Make Mistakes To Be A Better Programmer | Tsoding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-DEp62qDeE 我是Tsoding Highlights的搬运工
编程,工作与生活 | tsoding
谈谈函数式编程(做OCaml 99 Problems) | Tsoding
George Hotz 尝试Nix
Sqlite documentation is bad | Tsoding
Fasm 写Hello world
Rust实现哈希表 | Tsoding
Tsoding 锐评WASM和WASI
ada会替代C/C++吗 | Tsoding
Why Linux Has This Syscall?! | Tsoding
Mitchell Hashimoto谈nix
Why Good Developers Should Use Bad Computers! | Tsoding
Tsoding 买不了新电脑
Python 5做冒泡排序 | Tsoding
True enjoyment of programming | Tsoding
如何学C语言 | tsoding
I contributed to C3 Compiler and So Can You | Tsoding
Rust Programming in a Nutshell | Tsoding
从零实现浮点数(IEEE 754) | sphaerophoria
I tried Swift | tsoding
Configuring Emacs on My New Laptop | Tsoding
Edsger Dijkstra - Turing Award Lecture - The Humble Programmer - 1972 - No Intro
推书 - A Philosophy of Software Design
给Brainf*ck 加JIT | tsoding
介绍一些C语言黑魔法 | tsoding
HackerRank in Haskell -- HaskellRank #01
Grading Students -- HaskellRank #02
为孩子们在一起:为什么系统包管理器和语言包管理器难以合作 | Andrew Kelley
Jonathan Blow解释Pratt Parser(处理运算符优先级)
Machine Learning in C | Tsoding
Who designed this language? | Tsoding
C is everywhere | Tsoding
Making a Terminal Emulator Really, Really Fast: Ghostty 👻
Tsoding: 我不敢用odin
tree-sitter explained | TJ DeVries
Solving Magic Square using Functional Programming -- HaskellRank Ep.12
Newbie friendly language | Tsoding
赞美PHP | tsoding
Rust at Sentry: 7 Years Later - Armin Ronacher - EuroRust 2023