京东 11.11 红包
crzv16叠 99.46% +HR ScoreV2
8.20 一般
Hymn 96.48%
ex7v2tech Boulafacet 95.09% !!!
Fantasmagoria 99.61%
Onus Regulus 主难 96.62%
ex8v2tech 基因破坏1.1x 95.46%
Black Bullet(xuecai) 99.72% S Rank
新天文学0.94x (150bpm) SS 999k 88黄
delta技 新月岛1.05x 94.07%
[登神长阶 LN15 全球第一acc!粥p的胜利]Nepijin - LN Yume (15) dan ScoreV2 99.10% #1 acc
Rando of fantasy 0.95x 95.55
Haunted [Fangs] 99.93% 996k 球19
delta乱 volcanic 98.04%!!!
Reflect 1.1x SS 999k 48黄!!!
EX7切heaven's fall 1.4x 97.25%
Give It To Dem 99.87% 国一球六
Do It To It 1.3x 99.46% #6
Angelic Layer 1.1x 98.21%
far in the blue sky 99.81% 全球第十!!!
Yurishurashushushu(Jhown) 95.81%
鬼蜘蛛1.2x SS 999.3k
Rose Quart(meidan)1.05x 99.09%
[osu mania 7k] Duplicity Shade+ht 96.47 1278pp
Mutwa 0.9x 99.31%
牛肉云 1.05x 94.62%
进阶群出群纪念!Freedom Dive↓[Another] 3misschoke 174pp (250pp if fc)
超级大叠 0.9x 95.92% 无暂停
Antagonism 99.57% 国一球六
Give It To Dem(LTD)99.70% 球18
世音1.3x 99.97% 国三球八
Rigid Paradise 99.63% S Rank
Northern_limit 95.52%
来点大家想看的东西 far in the blue sky… 99.37% #30
Sky is the limit +HR 99.96% SS choke
back to the gate 1.6x 96.16%
far in the blue sky 1.1x 96.42% #24
Arpeggio1.05 97.87
Bluenation 1.45x 99.20% #10
旧版叠使尘0.95x 94.98% s choke
Anhedonia[8230] 0.9x 99.80% S Rank
NEURO-CLOUD-9(ska) 96.07%