京东 11.11 红包
【朴泳姬】【Younghi Pagh】源于空虚,为女高音、长笛和吉他 Wegen der leere…for soprano flute and guitar
【朴泳姬】【Younghi Pagh-Paan】依然 III,为次女高音和吉他 Noch III, for mezzosporano and guitar
【林瑞玲】【Liza Lim】星图,为打击乐、女高音和人群 Atlas of the Sky,for soprano, percussion and crowd
【Morton Feldman】The Rothko Chapel, for soprano, alto, mixed choir and ensemble
【Nikolay Popov】【Steve Reich】作品合集 IMDR Art Gallery Project音乐会 07.06.2020
【朴泳姬】【Younghi Pagh】Noch...", for voice and viola on the texts of Rosa Ausländer
【Stefano Gervasoni】法涅斯II,为高音萨克斯独奏 Phanes II, for soprano saxophone solo
【Karlheinz Stockhausen】歌剧:光之星期四(前二幕)Opéra: Donnerstag aus Licht (actes I et II)
【Rebecca Saunders】盛怒 II,为低音提琴和室内乐组合 Fury II, for contrabass and ensemble
【利兹】【Lizée】我还在想念你,为打击乐而作 I Still Think About You, for Percussion
【Matthias Pintscher】Figura II / Frammento, pour quatuor à cordes
【梁雷】Dialectal Percussions
Ensemble Intercontemporain演奏Stefano Gervasoni、Olga Neuwirth、Aureliano Cattaneo作品
【罗米特里】【Romitelli】 Trash TV Trance for Electronic Guitar
【马塔龙】【Matalon】痕迹 十二,为竖琴和现场电子音乐 Traces XII, for Harp and Live Electronics
【谢尔西】【Scelsi】女神,为小提琴和室内乐团 Anahit, for Violin and Ensemble
Posadas, Caselli, Francescato, Scia作品音乐会
【Iannis Xenakis】Pléïades + Persephassa, for 6 percussionists
【朴泳姬•琶案】【Younghi Pagh-Paan】声音,为大型管弦乐团 Sori, for Grand Orchestra
【Karlheinz Stockhausen】Kontakte, for Piano, Percussion and Tape
【Georg Friedrich Haas】…aus freier Lust…verbunden…for Viola, Cello & Double Bass
【王颖】透明的歌,为长笛和竖琴 Durchsichtiges Lied, for flute and harp
【朴泳姬】【Younghi Pagh】Dreisam歌,为长笛独奏 Dreisam Nore, for Flute Solo
【别德罗森】【Bedrossian】它,为室内乐团 It, for Ensemble
【当代乐集】【Gérard Grisey】碑、时间的漩涡、穿越临界的四首歌 Stèle, Vortex Temporum, Quatre Chants
【Vladimir Tarnopolski】最后的日落,为高音萨克斯独奏 Last Sunset, for Soprano Saxophone Solo
【Luigi Nono】向捷尔吉·库尔塔致敬 Omaggio a György Kurtág
【Natacha Diels】蝴蝶与跳舞的起重机 Papillon and the Dancing Crane
【朴泳姬】【Younghi Pagh-Paan】波纹,为钢琴独奏 PA-MUN (Wellen), for piano solo
【仅音频】【Iannis Xenakis】Gendy 3, for Electroacoustic Procedures
【Horațiu Rădulescu】内在的驱逐:第一乐章:戏剧性的后殿 L'exil intérieur: I.Dramatic Apse
【Sofia Gubaidulina】七言,为大提琴、巴扬和室内乐团 Sieben Worte , for Cello, Bayan and Ensemble
Magnus Lindberg在IRCAM的大师课
【Simon Steen-Andersen】体 Korpus, for 9 players on three Harry-Partch-instruments
【洪靖年】【Chinary Ung】After Rising Light, for soprano and piano
【Helmut Lachenmann】内部 I,为打击乐独奏 Interieur I, für für einen Schlagzeugsolisten
【王颖】Groovulation, for Double-Bell Trumpet and Ensemble
【仅音频】【Gérard Grisey】光-逆光 Jour contre-jour,for electronic organ,ensemble and tape
【朴泳姬·琶案】【Younghi Pagh-Paan】NO-UL, for viola, cello and double bass
【Johannes Maria Staud】在地平线上(…已然到达别处…)Am Horizont (…schon ganz woanders…)