Don't forget the things once you owned. 曾经拥有的, 不要忘记!
Our hearts will always be together.(朗读版)我们的心将永远在一起!
与其等到别人来爱你, 不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些!(朗读配音版)
Our hearts will always be together.我们的心将永远在一起(合拍版)
Always have, always will.一直爱你, 始终如一!
I can love you for four days.爱你春夏秋冬和每一天(朗读版)
My heart is and always will be yours. (朗读版)我的心永远属于你!
Before you came into my life, I never knew what true love felt like. 真爱的感觉(朗读版)
I miss you.I want to rush over to see you 我想你! 我迫不及待的想去见你!
Forget the people who hurt you yesterday!
My heart is and always will be yours.我的心永远属于你!
No matter what terrible things happen to you today 不要感到悲伤!
An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time.一段不被接受的爱情, 需要的不是伤心, 而是时间
Positive thinking is powerful thinking. 积极思维是强有力的思维。
Your sweet smile warms my heart like the sunshine.(朗读版)你甜美的微笑像阳光一样温暖了我的心❤️
You meet that one person and your life is changed Forever. (朗读版)遇见一个对的人,生活从此改变。
2023兔年春节必备的英语祝福语朗读版(5), 一起打卡学习, 送出新年的美好的祝福!
The things that really satisfy us are totally free.(合拍)真正能让我们感到满足的东西往往都是免费的!
You are my first choice.你是我的首选且唯一选择 (朗读版)
Stop thinking you're not ready.(朗读版)不要总是想着自己还未做好准备!
the heart that makes you settled is the real answer. (合拍版)能让你心定才是真正的答案!
The heart that makes you settled is the real answer.(朗读版)能让你心定才是真正的答案!
好想与你分享目之所及的美好❤️(朗读版) 晚安,好梦!
You are the only person I can trust and share.(合拍版) 你是我唯一可以信任和分享的人。
Not every encounter has an end (朗读版)并非每场相遇都会有结局,但是每场相遇都会有意义!
You will do your best to be the best of yourself.(朗读版)你要努力成为最好的自己!
If there is an afterlife,如果有来生,要做一棵树!
The secret to make yourself happy is to stop thinking too much.(朗读版)快乐的秘诀是停止胡思乱想
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past.(朗读版)
Because of you, I have no regrets in my life.(朗读版) 因为你, 我今生无悔!
If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together 假如明天我们不能在一起!
With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. 执子之手, 承汝之忧 (合拍版)
Sometimes the right person for you was there all along.有时候, 适合你的那个人就在你身边。
Your sweet smile warms my heart like the sunshine. 你甜美的微笑像阳光一样温暖了我的心。
2023兔年春节英语祝福语(8) 大年初三,要睡到自然醒! Sleep well until wake up naturally!
Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.每个爱情故事都是美丽的,但我们的才是我最喜欢的。
Don't ever let go of that ever.永远不要丢掉自我,做你自己, 爱你的人自然会爱你!