京东 11.11 红包
Allyship and supportive culture As we've suggested, it is critical not just to recognise something is an issue but also to take personal responsibility to work alone or with others to address that poor behaviour. Throughout, we've often addressed what drives action or inaction in an emerging situation during an event or moment. Sometimes, however, we find out after the event or arrive in its aftermath. We may also hear about things second-hand. We may be told many years later by a survivor what happened to them. See these situations as an opportunity to be an ally and to provide support when requested. Across this course, we open up opportunities to listen to survivors’ stories, to hear their experiences. Listening is often the easiest yet most crucial thing we as allies can do. Reflect on the stories survivors have told you. Show support. We later encourage you to educate yourself about options, researching local helplines and professionals who may offer support. Be the pathway that connects survivors to the help they wish to have. Be there for them no matter what they choose to do, even if you would do something different yourself. Remember, though, that we don't only need to act after poor behaviour or violence has happened. Spread awareness and be constantly engaged with the issue. It exists regardless of whether you know a survivor or not. The next time you hear a ‘rape joke’, speak against it. Educate the person, and those around them, about why it's problematic. If someone slut shames another person, name what they are doing. Make them aware of how it enables harassment and rape culture.
【课程】如何与高管沟通 | Communicating with Executives
项目管理:国际项目|Project Management: International Projects
【课程】如何进行战略思考 | How to Think Strategicall
【课程】销售管理|sales management
【课程】如何打造职业生涯组合使收入多样化 & 做自己喜欢的事|Building a Portfolio Career Diversify Your Income
【课程】像律师一样谈判 | Negotiate Like a Lawyer
【课程】高管领导力|优秀高管应具备的素质|Executive Leadership
【课程】如何使用ChatGPT进行研究和写作 | How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tool
如果我从一开始就符合社会对我的一切要求,生活会很容易。 但我不认为生活会丰富多彩。因此,我很感激我的与众不同。
【课程】构建你的社交洞察力|Building Your Social Perceptiveness
【课程】困难对话的脚本|Quick Scripts for Difficult Conversations|如何在不打击员工的情况下告诉他们没晋升,被解雇……
【课程】第四次工业革命(工业 4.0)|科技的发展真的会让我们丢掉工作吗?
【课程】发展情商 |Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
【课程】ChatGPT Prompts for Jobseekers|如何使用ChatGPT简化求职,更有效地申请工作,定制简历,背调公司,准备面试
【课程】社交媒体营销策略:TikTok 和 Instagram Reels
【课程】如何自我激励|Mastering Self-Motivation
【课程】重度抑郁症|21. 抑郁症治疗历史和近期趋势