京东 11.11 红包
Hong Kong Diary Day 2
Hong Kong Diary Day 4
Macau Diary Day 3 & 4
Guangzhou Diary DAY3
Suzhou Diary Day 1
Misery Diary Day3
Guangzhou Diary DAY1
Tower Crane Diary Day1
Not So Miserable Diary Day4 + Room Tour
Tower Crane Diary Day2
Cambridge sadness & Graduation thoughts
Conundrum status update 3
Conundrum status update 4
Me getting a winter vacation job!
Short Q&A for USC
读书收获: Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
Japan shopping vlog
Melancholy Midnight Mumbling
Why I love my boyfriend #2
Random talk: applications, video games, new earrings
Trying out my new microphone
读书收获:Media Control- The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda by Noam Chomsky
草率的Menton vlog
Quitting 3 jobs as an 18 year old
2022.08.05准备PPMT的objection battle
Me trying to write comedy (quite unsuccessfully)
Back in Shanghai
2022.06.21Struggling with essays
Random talk: Che’s murdered puppy, marriage, Saint Augustine being a sex addict
Find out your ideal boyfriend (among my idols)!
Random talk: college application, my major, agency, political science, and LNAT
Money making, money spending, and some unreturned love
Midnight Personal Statement Writing
AP stuff, college stuff, archenemies, and recent plans
Some wisdom of life, declining law firm internship, and some more concerns
Reading my diaries from 2018
Random talk: British politics, Plato, and how I'm dumb
日本之旅(上期)city walk/漫画一样的街道/酒店惊现hello kitty /好吃推荐/便利店啤酒推荐/太饿的朋友谨慎观看