京东 11.11 红包
第7A講 Production Function (Technology)
個體經濟學二 ◆課程大綱 There are five major parts of subjects to be introduced in this course. The subject of the first part are about the household. We will focus on individual consumer's decision making with and without uncertainty. In the second part, we will focus on the decision making at the level of individual firm. Given the technological opportunities available to it, how much output will a firm choose to see, and how will the firm go about producing this output? ◆課程說明 Course Description This is a two consecutive semesters course. There are five major parts of subjects to be introduced in this course. The subject of the first part are about the household. We will focus on individual consumer's decision making with and without uncertainty. In the second part, we will focus on the decision making at the level of individual firm. Given the technological opportunities available to it, how much output will a firm choose to see, and how will the firm go about producing this output? In the third part, the competitive model will be introduced. We will see a competitive market produces results that are in some sense "good". In the fourth (will be convered in the Industrial Organization course), we will see different kinds of market structures. The price and output decisions under different market structrue will be analyzed and compared with those under perfect competition. In the last part, the problem of missing market will be discussed (will be covered in the Topics in Microeconomics Theory course). In the presence of asymmetric information, the markets for certain commodities may not come into existence. Even if markets exist, they may fail to allocate resources efficiently. ◆指定用書 Textbooks 蔡攀龍, 張寶塔, 個體經濟學, 第二版, 2015 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010693413 Pan-Long Tsai, Bao-Taa Chang, Microeconomics, second edition, 2015 ♠更多課程資訊可參閱此 https://ocw.nthu.edu.tw/ocw/index.php?page=course&cid=137&
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