【十血解禁】ツムギボシ [Master 14] SSS+ 100.7206%
【maimai】Aegleseeker [Master 14] SSS+ 100.6572%
【maimai】Baddest [Master 13+] SSS+ 100.7710%
【maimai】VSpook! [Master 14] SSS+ 100.5891%
【maimai】Lance [Master 13+] SSS+ 100.8444%
【生贺• 鸢尾谜殇】mystique as iris [Master 14] SSS+ 100.6713%
【maimai/1粉】花と、雪と、ドラムンベース。[Master 13+] SSS+ 100.9456%
【maimai】電光石火 [Master 14] SSS+ 100.7667%
【maimai Buddies】PUPA [Master 14] SSS+ 100.7221% 战地记者视角
【maimai】あの世行きのバスに乗ってさらば。[Master 13] All Perfect 100.9023%
【maimai】#狂った民族2 PRAVARGYAZOOQA [Master 14] SSS+ 100.6220%
【maimai】Lucia [Master 13+] SSS+ 100.5605%
【海澜之家/maimai】Swift Swing [Master 14] 100.7719% FC 战地记者视角
【maimai dx】Re:End of a Dream [master 14] SSS+ 100.5183 唐元
【maimai buddies】Straight into the lights [Master14+] SSS 100.2341%
【法文歌/maimai】L’épilogue [Master 13+] SSS+ 100.8302%
【未泯/Cytoid】Alma Intacta [Unranked] MAX100%
【辉夜大小姐不让我收歌/Cytus II】Kaguya [Chaos14] TP100
【分诊/maimai】トリアージ ALL PERFECT 100.9444%
【星辉比邻/Cytoid】Aegleseeker(iTlC remix)15 Unranked MAX100%
【生贺/14首ap】Metatron ALL PERFECT
【maimai dx】脳天直撃 [Master 14] SSS+ 100.5474%
【苦郁终行/Paradigm Reboot】Viyella's Melancholy [Massive 16+] All Decrypted
【暴走银河/Cytoid】Galaxy Friends 15+ Unranked MAX100%
【琉璃心/Lanota】Crystallized [Master15] PP
【深海不夜场/Arcaea】New York Back Raise [Ftr9+] PM(-38)
【末世孤旅/Cytoid】World’s end loneliness [15+] Unranked MAX100%
【不毁流曦/Arcaea】Fracture Ray [Ftr11] PM(-41)
【万圣科幻片/Cytoid】Interference: Finale 14? Unranked MAX100%
【危险约会/pjsk】RAD DOGS [Master30] All Perfect
【恶魔之吻/Arcaea】Kissing Lucifer [Ftr10] PM(-18)
【灾厄启示录/Cytoid】Apocaliptix 15+ Unranked MAX100%
【回环重载/Cytoid】rE:loaD 15 Unranked MAX100%
【故我在/Arcaea】Ego Eimi [Ftr 10] PM(-11)
【甜心预报/pjsk】心予報 [Maste 28] All Perfect
【孑身孤顶/Arcaea】ヒュブリスの頂に聳えるのは [Future 9+] PM(-12)
【星河所向/Arcaea】To the Milky Way [Future 10] PM(-17)
【予身葬歌/Cytoid】キミとボクへの葬送歌 Unranked MAX100%
【无名余烬/Arcaea】 Ignotus Afterburn [BYD9+] PM(-26)
【地球最后的告白/pjsk】地球最後の告白を [Master31] All Perfect
【生贺•无别孤塔】PRAGMATISM -RESURRECTION- [Beyond 11] PM(-39)