京东 11.11 红包
八上课例展示合集Unit9 Can you come to my party? Section B(2a-2e),邀请函包含要素总结,为后面的写作铺垫
八上Unit9 Can you come to my party? Section B(2a-2e)阅读课, 读课标,研课例,优教学,“课例式解读课标”
八上新课课件Unit9 Can you come to my party? Section B(2a-2e)阅读课件#备课
八上新课课件Unit9 Can you come to my party? Section B Writing. 以读促写,写作困难户看过来,手把手教你写作
八上课例展示合集Unit10 If you go to the party, you'll have a …. Section B(2a-2e)阅读,一等奖
七下Unit1 Can you play the guitar? Section B阅读说课,一等奖,模板设计都很棒哦#优质课#说课
七下同步视频课程 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? Section A语法探究:情态动词can的用法
七下新课课件Unit1 Can you play the guitar? Section B 阅读&写作,以招聘求职广告导入主题,一起来找工作吧#备课#新课课件
九年级课例展示Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. Section A(1a-1c)听说,这个视频导入简直是太棒啦
八上Unit9 Section B Reading,通过整合两篇风格不同的邀请函,以“How to make a proper invitation”为主线
九年级课例展示合集 Unit6 When was it invented? Section A小阅读,刚开始没看懂的板书,“茶”,最后一笔画龙点睛,眼前一亮
八下新课课件Unit6 An old man tried to move …… Section B 写作课件,讲故事的六要素是什么?#备课#新课课件
八上课例展示合集Unit7 Will people have robots? Section B阅读,机器人大赛情景导入#优质课
七下优质课Unit9 What does he look like? Section A(2d+语法),末尾情感升华,拒绝容貌焦虑,心善则貌美#优质课
新课标下的语篇研读,八上Unit10 If you go to the party………. Section B(2a-2e)阅读,阅读策略#优质课
七上优质课合集Unit7 How much are these socks? Section B(1a-1e)听说课,老师以数字游戏,引入双十一购物
七下优质课Unit11 How was your school trip? Section B阅读,教授新词,真实情景导入,为接下来就的阅读做铺垫#优质课
八下优质课Unit6 Section B(2a-2e),Hansel and Gratel, mand-map梳理整个play的四大要素,一目了然#优质课
八上优质课Unit6 I'm going to study computer science. Section A(1a-1c)听说课
2024新人教七上Unit4 My favorite subject. Section A(1a-pronunciation)
八下优质课Unit9 Section B(2a-2e)大阅读Singapore-a place you will never forget. 这句重庆话听懂了吗
八下课例展示Unit1 What's the matter? Section B听说课,Group work,这群病人和医生演技超群啊,白大褂快准备起来
八下课例展示Unit1 What's the matter? Section A小阅读,新闻题材,老人摔倒,扶还是不扶?
八上优质课Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B(2a-2e)阅读,徒手来画一个Mickey
八上新课课件Unit10 Section B(3a- self check)写作课件,有这样的写作框架,害怕孩子们不会作文吗?#备课
2024新人教七上配套动画视频来啦!Starter Unit1 Hello. Section B#备课#新教材
七下新课课件Unit9 What does he look like? Section B(2a-self Check)语篇研读+以读促写#新课课件 #备课
2024新人教七上课例来啦,Unit7 Happy Birthday. Section A,怎样解决新词汇?这个方法可以用起来哦#优质课
八下Unit8 Have you read ;……? Section A(3a-3c)阅读,一起来读《鲁滨逊漂流记》(含课堂展示,课件,点评)
2024新版人教七上课例展示Unit5 Fun Clubs. Section B Reading,语篇研读,怎样引导孩子们去分析语篇,激发孩子们的思维?四个w
【新课标】说课范例→八下Unit1 What's the matter? Section A(3a-3c) Reading!李老师优秀说课范例#备课#说课范例
2024新人教高清动画Unit2 We're Family. Section A 2a,Peter到腾飞家里玩
新教材课例来啦Unit2 We're Family. Section A,活动1a,听说课环节,怎么引入,一起来看看吧
七下Unit3 How do you get to school? Section B(2a-2d)阅读,图片展示,简单沟通交流激发兴趣,逐步引入单元主题
还不会说课的看过来,人教八上说课→Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? Section B 完整版share,一起来学习吧
八上Unit9 Section B Reading“How to make a proper invitation”
2024新人教七上课例Unit 7 Happy Birthday. 怎么重语用轻语法?深挖文本信息,总结购物常用句型,在真实情景中运用#优质课
七下词汇课件Unit1 Section A 这样的词汇课件,备课上课简直是太方便啦,初中全套都有哦#备课#词汇课件