京东 11.11 红包
RAZ(Q) 大粉丝620 sprint, stride, regret, accelerate, concentrate, hesitate, qualify
His Biggest Fan Realistic (fiction), 888 words, Level Q (Grade 3), Lexile 620L Kenny can't concentrate on the big race because he feels guilty. The night before, he asked his father not to come. Will Kenny win the race, and will his father show up? Students will enjoy the detailed illustrations that support the text as well as reading about interesting character relationships. RAZ(Q) 大粉丝 620 (sprint, stride, regret, accelerate, concentrate, hesitate, argument, nervous, qualify)
Nessy 自然拼读 Target Mode的入学测试,没错,十分钟了,还没开始学习,还在入学测试。
RAZ(P) 磁力 620 (atom, repel, magnet, dangle, encode, generator, lodestone, pole
RAZ(P) 狗的种类 800 purebred, tame, task, retriever, jaw, hound, sight, scent, herd
RAZ(Q)42号传奇 870 (prejudice, segregate, abuse, athlete, civil, integrate, league
课文 词汇与题目 RAZ(O) 五月花号 850蓝思值 2024版 (mourning, survival, Pilgrim, harvest, enslave
RAZ(O) 珍妮爱瑜伽 620蓝思值(salutation, cobra,dawn,straighten,gaze, inversion)
斑马AI S6U11W41D5 什么是梦 (reveal, unconscious, almond, nightmare, movie marathon)
RAZ(O) 森林发现 820蓝思值 (aroma, debris, grimaced, article, taunt, souvenir, depart)
RAZ(F) Are you from India 蓝思值470L (shaggy, silent, snout, contrast, compare)
斑马AI S6U11W41D4 需要多少睡眠时间 juvenile, infant, toddler, teenager, newborn, prescholl
课文与题目 RAZ(L) 冬天真好 540蓝思值 (terrific, terrible, galoshes, grumpy, bundle, wrinkle)
RAZ(Q) 地貌之旅 920 ( plateau, prairie, peninsula, weathering, gorge, isthmus)
打卡斑马英语S6 U04W14D5 Reading Corner 阅读角 (perfect, comfortable, cushion, successful)
RAZ(O)去西部种苹果 (scrawny, gather, thorny, terrible, grave, howl)
课文与题目 RAZ(M) 特蕾莎修女 770蓝思值 extraordinary, missionary, poverty, inspiration
RAZ(O) 猫头鹰 890蓝思值 (adaptation, mysterious, rotate, habitat, survive, attack)
小学英语最新江苏省优质课5AU4 Hobbies Grammar
打卡斑马英语S6U06W21D3 艾玛发烧了 (symptom, sore throat, swollen, viral infection, fever)
RAZ(Q) 杰克南瓜头 870 (festive. cursed, mischievous, planetarium, stingy, stencil
RAZ(F) Motorcycles 蓝思值370L (vehicle, transportation)
S5U11W44D4 A Healthy Life
小学生打卡RAZ(K) To the Circus 蓝思值500 (wiggle, trapeze artist, grizzly )
打卡RAZ(L) Shoes around the world (kimono, platform, soles, postcards, stirrup)
S5U12W48D3 A Goodbye Gift (teach, grateful, respect, share with, retire)
S5U10W40D1 Thomas Edison (phonograph, invent, inventor, genius, interedted in)
打卡斑马英语S6U05W18D1 有趣的玩意儿 (image, instead, spike, show up, poor, thanks to)
S5U6W23D1 Ted's big match. (racket, badminton, shuttlecock, pair, pile, deserve
打卡斑马英语S6 U04W13D3 宠物店 (lizard, insect, care for, bathe, guinea pig, lonely)
打卡S6U06W24D3 炎热的夏天 (scorching, sprinkler, shade, soaked, dry off, at least)
打卡斑马英语S6U07W28D4垃圾分类 (sorting trash, donating, reusing, recycle, reduce, journal
小学生打卡 RAZ(J) Ichiro Suzuki 铃木一郎 蓝思值510L ( Pacific Ocean, practice, purpose)
RAZ(O) 学年的最后一天(enthusiasm, disappoint, transform, definitely, grin, feeble
课文与词汇 RAZ(N) 泰姬陵Taj Mahal 630蓝思值 (burial, coffin, memorial, marble, calm, Mughal
S5U6W24D3 Change of plans (rover, alien, Milky, spaceship, universe, so far)
油管搬运|小学阶段外教听说课【完整版】|英语教学新型教学游戏Bull's eye
S5U11W43D3 Fighting Off the Flu (avoid, weak, plenty of)
【300+集】 超火清华附小动画英语课 1-6年级(5年级上下册)轻松搞定小学英语覆盖所有知识点~
S6U11W44D4 地球的有趣事实 (incredible, billion, surface, gradually, further, gravity)
RAZ(I) Karate 蓝思530L (belt, defend, habit, flow, patient, Japanese, routine)
S5U9W35D2 The Guessing Game (diffcult, cheerful, interesting, think of )