京东 11.11 红包
lec5_2: introduction to deep learning
lec5_1: introduction to Machine learning
Introduction 1-2
lec11-2: machine learning and value function
Introduction 1-1
lec4_2: introduction to PyTorch for macroeconomist
lec7_1: Linearization
Lec_3_3: Deep neural network
lec7_2: Perturbation
lec11-1: machine learning and FOC
Lec_8_1: Krusell-Smith model via Machine Learning
Lec_3_1: What is machine learning
lec8_1: Projection
Lec_2_1: numerical optimization
lec9: calibration and estimation
lec8_2: finite element
Lec_3_2: How machine learning works, pattern recognition
Quant Macro w/ Machine Learning 2: Computation Basics
lec10-1: aiyagari incomplete market
lec3_2: euler equation based numerical method
lec_2_2: numerical interpolation
lec4_1: introduction to python for macroeconomist
Quant Macro w/ Machine Learning 5: Projection Methods
lec10-2: Computation of Aiyagari Model
lec12-1: simple markov equilibrium
Lec_7_1: Review of Machine learning
Quant Macro w/ Machine Learning 3: Numerical Solution of Dynamic Models
Quant Macro w/ Machine Learning 9: Krusell-Smith Model
Quant Macro w/ Machine Learning 4: Linearization and Perturbation
Lec_6_1: Projection with polynomials
lec6-2: MPI parellel computing
lec13-2: reinforcenment learning for model w/ endogenous state space
Lec_2_2: Optimization derivative based
lec6-1: high performance computing basic
Lec_1_2: Intro
Lec_4_1: Python variables
Lec_4_2: Python operations
Lec_5_2: Perturbation
Quant Macro w/ Machine Learning 1: Intro
Lec 3: gain from trade
Lec_6_2: Smolyak's algorithm