[英文字幕] [2010 FA] MIT 6-042J Mathematics for Computer Science 计算机科学中的数学
详见 https://www.yuque.com/ob26eq/nshoar/lw8i8q 2015版 av40204082
[英文字幕] [2008 FA] MIT 18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I
[双语字幕] [2007 FA] MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus 单变量微积分
[双语字幕] [2010 SP] MIT 18.005 Highlights of Calculus 微积分重点 by Gilbert Strang
[英文字幕] [2017FA] CMU 15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
[英文字幕] [2020 FA] CMU 14-740 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
北京大学 算法基础
[英文字幕] [2015 SP] MIT 6-042J Mathematics for Computer Science 计算机科学领域的数学
(字幕待补) [2019 FA] York EECS2021E Computer Organization and Architecture RISC-V
北京大学 Coursera Computer Organization 计算机组成
[英文字幕] [2013 FA] Stanford CS144 Introduction to Computer Networking
[英文字幕] [2017] Washington CSE351 The Hardware Software Interface
(不全)[双语字幕] [2007 FA] MIT 18.02 Multivariable Calculus 多变量微积分
OpenFOAM Tutorials
Coursea Interactive Computer Graphics (英文字幕)
[英文字幕] [2015] UCB CS70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
[2011] MIT: 18.06\18.06SC Linear Algebra\线性代数习题课
[英文字幕] [2018 FA] UCB CS170 Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
[2018] MIT: 8.02\8.02.1x ~8.02.3x Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
[2016] NTU: 頑想學概率 一,二\Probability 1,2 by 葉丙成
[英文字幕] Stanford CS 143 Compilers and interpreters 编译器和解释器
[双语字幕] Stanford: Human Behavioral Biology/斯坦福大学 开放课程: 从生物学看人类行为
[英文字幕] MIT 18.337J 6.338J Parallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning
[ 英文字幕] [2015 SP] UCB CS 61C Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
[2018 SP] MIT 6.041/RES.6-012 Introduction to Probability
[双语字幕] [2005 FA] 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms\算法导论
OpenGL by The Cherno (英文字幕)
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets: Option Markets \期权与期货市场基本原理: 期权
[2019 FA] Clemson: Math 4190 Discrete Mathematical Structures by Professor Macau
[英文字幕] Computer Organization and Design (RISC-V)
[双语字幕] Stanford CS107 Programming Paradigms 编程范式
[英文字幕] [2018 SP] Caltech CS24 Introduction to Computing System
[Coursera] 北京大学 C++程序设计
[英文字幕] [2018 SP] UC Berkeley CS 61B Data Structures
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Sean Mullery (英文字幕)
[英文字幕] [2019 SP] UCB: STAT-157 Introduction to Deep Learning
[英文字幕] [2020 FA] CMU 11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning [正课+复习课+作业讲解]