Spelunky 2(洞穴探险2) 非宇宙海Score run刷分20210614世界纪录 $7,468,550 by twiggle
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6iJMmIJMZ4 Definition: The score is that shown either on the death screen or the victory screen at the end of any non-daily challenge run. Entering cosmic ocean is treated like a run-ending action. I didn't die in Sunken City this time! Super duper satisfied with this. City of Gold was awful, not even reaching $1mil, but great levels otherwise! No-CO stands for "No Cosmic Ocean" (it just means the run ends at Hundun, getting the $200k bonus for beating the game through Sunken City). Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/twigglesoft
Spelunky 2(洞穴探险2) 带着真皇冠到7-99关 by twiggle
【Spelunky洞穴探险】解说VOL.5 如何抢店干掉老板
Spelunky 2(洞穴探险2) 10条高级技巧教程
【Spelunky洞穴探险】解说VOL.1 教学关
Spelunky 2(洞穴探险2)HARD模式通关 by XanaGear
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Spelunky Ankh Run - Yama killed by the ankh!!
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Spelunky Score World Record $6,606,625 by Kinnijup
Spelunky 2(洞穴探险2) Score run刷分20201218世界纪录 $7,154,950 by ivyoary
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Spelunky 2 First Win 16:02.433 by yellowgizmo (20200917)
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