京东 11.11 红包
[传送门2创意工坊]柠檬捏——Lemon Squeezy
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1191433504 Lemon Squeezy作者 Libbybapa 大佬居然有怎么简单的动量图 地图描述: Easy peasy: 1/10 Just a little dittie - not exactly rocket surgery. "Excuse me Mr. Johnson, it seems this next test has had a very high death rate for test subjects." "Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll get the lab boys right on it. I'm sure they can come up with something that will knock all of our socks off." "Wouldn't it make sense just to drain the toxic goo?" "Make sense?! This is SCIENCE! Science isn't about making sense! It's about going beyond what makes sense. It's about expanding the boundaries of human experience. Anyway, it's my damn money. I own the place and we're doing it my way. High-tech safety net it is. Cave Johnson, we're done here."
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