[NO BGM] MOSS 1 - Sparta δelta Remix
使用base:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU8J9AVYKQQ&pp=ygURU3BhcnRhIERlbHRhIEJhc2U%3D 开学前最后一作 (当然这不代表我开学以后不会继续做)
BFB 29 - Sparta Dreambells V2 Remix
[BFDI] Claustrophobe's Nightmare - Sparta Future Space Tower V5 Remix
検索してはいけない言葉 Sparta Alias Remix
The Nightly Manor - Sparta Shortsighted-Shrew Remix
エアmoto has a Sparta Quest For Perfection Remix
[V2]Gleb korablev - Sparta Lattadown Remix
[BFDIA 8] "Curse you,Tennis Ball!" - Sparta Traffic V2 Mix
Sparta Groove Base EU-EDT
BFB - SpartaCore Remix
Animatic Battle Sparta Extended CDE Remix
[hfjONE] My name is not backpack - Sparta Sapphire TMZE Remix
[V2] Not you Teardrop - Sparta Hydroactive Remix
BFDI Auditions - SpartaCore RRE Remix
[V3/No Bgm] エアmoto Has A Sparta Quest For Perfection Remix
中国BOY超级大猩猩 - Sparta Function Remix
1444 - Sparta HelloKat EXTENDED Remix
[搬运]The Backrooms - Sparta Extended TTE V5.1
Multisource has a Sparta Extended TTE v5.1 Remix
Justin Mohn - Sparta Emanation AHE Remix (No Visuals)
Sparta Lattangel Base
AV10492 - Sparta Drive TAKE Remix
[BFB] Blocky put me down - Sparta Firecracker Remix
TPOT 12 Sparta Psithurism AE Remix
[V3] TPOT 7 - Sparta Normie RFE Remix
Sparta Lattaatw Base [自制]
Astroid's Second Mindblowing Custom Source - Sparta Psithurism TISE Remix
[Object Overload] You guys are going down - Sparta Stroll Remix
Ryluu - Sparta Hydroactive Remix
"Yay! Now I can go back to eating people's skin!"- Sparta Puyo Puyo 7 Remix
Gleb Korablev - Sparta Hellokat RJ246 Remix
Soka Gakkai - Sparta STHU Remix
你个死人sparta remix。
[TPOT 2] Lightning:"Marker, GET DOWN!" - Sparta Announcement Remix
[搬运/教程向] Sparta Remix教程pt.1:准备工作
FPE - Sparta Groove EU-EDT Remix
Sparta Wave-active Base
[BFB] Gelatin Has A Sparta HyperMatter Mix
BFDI & Cary (almost) Swears - Sparta Staircase Mix