【osu!mania】far in the blue sky [33]0.9x 97.4% S
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33]+MR 94.71% A
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33]+MR 93.92% A
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33] 92.84% A
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33] 90.91% A
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33]+MR 91.08% A
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [42]0.75x 91.46% A
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [38] 89.34% B
【osu!mania】C204 4.65* 97.99% S
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33] 0.75x 99.14 S
【osu!mania】Too Much Loli 1.0x 99.33% S
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [33]0.9x +RD 96.87% S
【osu!mania】Bookmaker [Lv.33]0.9x 92.70% A
【osu!mania】Before... [Hylotl]0.9x 97.16% S
【osu!mania】RTRT 4.74* 95.51% S
【osu!mania】far in the blue sky... [42]0.75x +MR 87.16% B
【mrekk】老巴西主难fc 1427pp
【osu!mania】Dark Sambaland [Alpha]0.85x 96.7% S
【osu!mania】Sky is the limit 0.75x 93.44% A
[Crz]Entrance Examination v14 Look at Me Now 0.75x 92.58% PASS
【osu!mania】-Reimu- | Songs Compilation! 1.3x 92.21% A
9.78⭐ 332bpm 813pp
【osu!mania】Ten Thousand Stars [7912] 97.28% S
【osu!mania】WE LUV LAMA [13] 97.42% S
【osu!mania】Malody Regular-7 Stamina 97.41% S
【osu!mania】Reform α Jackmap 0.9x 92.33% A
【osu!mania】WE LUV LAMA [13] 95.57% S
【osu!mania】Malody Regular-7 Jackmap 97.52% S
【osu!mania】Please [Lv.34]0.85x 91.5% A
满叠版Sky is the limit 1.35x无暂停b92.61 [Jack θ?]
【osu!mania】Electric Angel [6.74*]0.9x 92.54% A
【mrekk】16❌on DADADADADADADA (900PP⭐9.9)
【osu!mania】Crz v14 Jackmap +HT 93.98% A
【osu!mania】Dark Sambaland [5.82*] 0.75x 96.98% S
【osu!mania】Malody Extra-1 Jackmap 92.42% A
【osu!mania】Sendan Life(katagiri bootleg) [Chord Life[150]] 0.75x 96.88% S
【osu!mania】We Luv Lama [13] 98.18% S
【osu!mania】Mario Paint [D-NORMAL] 97.2% S
【osu!mania】ametsuchi [petrichor]1.1x 95.1% S