新地图 Castle. 新外观 Orkan Punisher Thunder _ War Robots测试服 _ Adrian Chong
https://youtu.be/T22c27e0jqo 《NEW Map Castle. NEW Look for Orkan Punisher Thunder | War Robots Test Server Review + Gameplay》 Adrian Chong 2018年7月28日发布 War Robots. A look at the NEW Castle Map along with the redesign of the Orkan, Punisher and Thunder weapons. The Castle map's layout has changed quite a bit from when I last reviewed this map. Textures are now being applied which means it'll probably be a month or two before we see this map on the live server. Personally I find the map a little too "open" around the centre which lends itself to a lot of range play. It would be a good idea (in my opinion) to add more barriers at centre or maybe a multi-level bridge going across to provide more cover for those wanting to attack. As for the weapon redesigns, I did notice very subtle changes almost as if they have scaled back on the details (this might have been done to help with game lag). Music provided by Artlist End song: Beautiful Dream by Let's Play
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