唱儿歌 学英语🙍🏻♂️#28: 🐜🐜🐜蚂蚁行军🐜🐜🐜+The Ants Go Marching+英语儿歌+英文儿歌+英语启蒙儿歌+英语早教儿歌
The Ants Go Marching (蚂蚁行军) *视频中的歌词: The ants go marching one by one. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching one by one. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching one by one; The little one stops to suck his thumb, And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The ants go marching two by two. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching two by two. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching two by two; The little one stops to tie his shoe, And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The ants go marching three by three. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching three by three. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching three by three; The little one stops to climb a tree, And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The ants go marching four by four. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching four by four. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching four by four; The little one stops to shut the door, And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The ants go marching five by five. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching five by five. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching five by five; The little one stops to take a dive, And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The ants go marching six by six. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching six by six. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching six by six; The little one stops to pick up sticks, And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The ants go marching seven by seven. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching seven by seven. Hoorah! Hoorah! The ants go marching seven by seven; The little one stops to pray to heaven, (and) they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain. Boom, boom, boom, boom! ... *编曲和伴奏由Brooks完成和演奏。 视频中的进出音乐由Brooks完成和演奏。 这段视频中的配音和旁白Brooks完成。
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