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Jordan Peterson对话 Gen Z (2010-95后)----ARC Conference 2023
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_smfRlgmjc Jordan Peterson 76,731次观看 2023年11月25日 On the first night of the ARC Conference, the guests broke out into different streams. One of them was our 'Young Leaders' stream which was a small group of 18 to 30-year-old leaders in different sectors around the world. Jordan Peterson gave an intimate yet stirring talk to us all. We know that there are MANY of you out there, young people doing amazing work. You are holding back the tide of cultural decay and have a vision for the future, and you are doing all of that in the hidden and secret places. We are sure there are hundreds of thousands of you who should have also been in the room when Jordan gave this talk, and so we thought we would share it with you. The recording is scrappy, and Jordan was speaking off-the-cuff, but if you are 16 to 30 years old, and have a heart to see your community, society, and nation transformed towards human flourishing, you will love this message.
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