justforfunc #1 A Code Review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIWFnNz8mF4 Francesc Campoy 是一位知名Gopher,他的 JustForFunc 系列 Golang 编程教程在社区中颇受大家喜爱。 为了满足国内的同学对 Golang 编程语言视频教程的需求,这里将 JustForFunc 系列搬运到B站,便于大家访问和学习。
justforfunc #4 Code Review for a Twitter client
justforfunc #41 CSVQL - serving CSV with SQL part 2
justforfunc #21 reviewing ursho II - using PostgreSQL
justforfunc #20 code reviewing ursho part 1
justforfunc #15 a code review with logging, errors, and signals
justforfunc #11 code review of an IRC package's API
justforfunc #39 code reviews are back!
justforfunc #40 CSVQL - serving CSV with SQL part 1
justforfunc #17 contributing to the Go project
justforfunc #10 implementing the context package
justforfunc #9 The Context Package
justforfunc #3 The Magic Gate part 2
justforfunc #32 CLI tools with Cobra
justforfunc #18 understanding Go's type aliases
justforfunc #19 mastering io.Pipes
justforfunc #25 deeper program analysis with go-parser
justforfunc #14 a twitter bot and systemd that runs free on GCP
justforfunc #33 the Rise And Fall of CORBA
justforfunc #2 The Magic Gate part 1
justforfunc 29 dependency injection in a code review
justforfunc #5 Defining a Color Flag in Go
justforfunc #6 Flappy Gopher
justforfunc #31 gRPC Basics
justforfunc #34 Plotting Data with gonum-plot ML4G #1
justforfunc #12 a Text to Speech server with gRPC and Kubernetes
justforfunc #16 unit testing HTTP servers
justforfunc #37 sync.Pool from the pool
justforfunc #38 Linear Regression with Gradient Descent ML4G #2
justforfunc #43 Migrating Go Modules to v2
justforfunc #24 what's the most common identifier in the Go stdlib
justforfunc #8 Flappy Gopher III - Collision detection
justforfunc #30 The Basics of Protocol Buffers
justforfunc #42 Intro to Go Modules and SemVer
justforfunc #22 using the Go execution tracer
justforfunc #26 why are there nil channels in Go
justforfunc #36 Versions, build constraints, and ldflags
justforfunc #7 Flappy Gopher II - Handling Events
justforfunc #28 Basic Benchmarks
justforfunc #35 Implementing the tree command from scratch