伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Tide" New Single (Original composition) 官方完整版
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwuhmdWBdok From Satoshi Gogo's single "Tide" (2020) 音频格式文件及曲谱已上架伍伍慧官网; 音频已登陆Apple Music, Spotify等音乐平台。 More music is coming soon ^-^
Kenji 试音 Gogo-星さがし
伍伍慧 (Satoshi Gogo) | "Eternity" a piece of New single is out! | ins 10.23
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | Remember you (Original composition) 官方完整版
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | Blossoming (Original composition) 官方完整版 on Youtube
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "夜に香る花"(Night Blooming Flower) from “Shipmates” ins 7.21
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Happy Xmas (John Lennon)" (Original composition) 官方完整版
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Heart" 每天热身曲目?from the album “Shipmates”| ins 6.14
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | 夏夕 (The End of Summer) /(Original composition) 官方完整版
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo)-New album / "Sing Like a Nightingale"PV (practice video)
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Rain" a piece from "Nightfall"| ins6.9,听完我湿了,你呢?
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo)-"Night Haze"| PV (practice video) New album in progress...
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Sweet home" from the album “My Bluebird”ins 7.30
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | The River from "Quiet Pathway"
伍伍慧 (Satoshi Gogo) | "Tide" 潮汐 | 最新单曲 官方完整版 即将上线!
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Night Haze" a piece from the album “Nightfall”| ins 5.16
Satoshi gogo - Autumn Day from Quiet Pathway
Wishtree-伍伍慧 Cover
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "The way home" a piece from "Nightfall"| ins7.3
伍伍慧 (Satoshi Gogo) | 高产慧速递新曲片段 | ins11.13
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "君とearly summer from the album “My Bluebird” ins 4.15
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Tears" from the album “My Bluebird” ins 8.19
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Sweet Home" SWITCH SCOM-2C Brazilian Rosewood
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Sailor" from the album “Shipmates” ins 4.9
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "You are My Rainbow" from the album “My Bluebird” ins 3.31
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Waltz in your dream" a piece from “Shipmates” ins 8.26
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Romantica" from the album “My Bluebird” ins 3.17
伍伍慧 (Satoshi Gogo) | Dew Drops will be released in next month | ins 9.30
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | 新改编ing?"Summertime" George Gershwin | ins 5.19
伍伍慧 (Satoshi Gogo)|Quiet Pathway
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "a Nocturne" a piece from "Nightfall"| ins6.17
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "Kazemachi"(風待ち) from the album “Bedtime Story” ins 3.23
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | 未命名新曲:五月(夏天)の风?一起来想名字吧!ins 7.9
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | Dew Drops
【指弹】Haru - 伍々慧(伍伍慧)Satoshi Gogo (Cover by JR_Yang)
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | Magic Hour "魔法がとけるその前に" from the album “My Bluebird”ins 5.10
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | Night Blooming Flower (夜に香る花) from Shipmates album
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | Tide
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) | "nightfall" peice of the album “nightfall”| ins 7.16
伍伍慧(Satoshi Gogo) |月下の恋 (Love Under the Moon) from the album “Shipmates” ins 3.9