The twins who tricked the Maya gods of death
The surprisingly long history of electric cars
The fastest way to slow climate change now
The science of preserving sight
【全192集】影子跟读新概念第二册 逐句精听精练+盲听+精学+影子跟读+成果检验听说读写都练到
094 How to turn climate anxiety into action Renée Lertzman
【史上最全SD教程】秋叶StableDiffusion整合包 AI绘画零基础入门到精通商业实战课程 2024最新版 AIGC保姆级课程 人工智能绘图画图商业变现
【30集全】B站最全 | 学说一口地道英语 | 钟嘉欣 | 好好生活 好好爱自己
038 The most important thing you can do to fight climate change talk about it K
079 The perks of being a pirate Tom Nash
116 Indigenous knowledge meets science to solve climate change Hindou Oumarou I
Sir Ken Robinson_ How would you finish the sentence, _Imagine if...__
How great leaders inspire action
095 The gender-fluid history of the Philippines France Villarta
Why better sleep means a better sex life
Why You Feel Anxious Socializing (and What to Do about It) - Fallon Goodman - TE
Trebor Scholz- Stuck in the gig economy- Try platform co-ops instead - TED
020 Why 1.5 billion people eat with chopsticks Small Thing Big Idea a TED series
085 This is your brain on air pollution María Neira
(超爽中英!) 2024公认最好的【Agent智能体】系列教程!带你从0到1构建自己的智能体!
041 How to embrace emotions at work The Way We Work a TED series
TED-Ed_ How much electricity does it take to power the world_
114 My life as a work of art Daniel Lismore
103 A campaign for period positivity Ananya Grover
全144集【英语新概念第一册动画版】中英文字幕 动画新版同步 视频+音频+书本PDF
155 The lies our culture tells us about what matters and a better way to liveDav
013 The function and fashion of eyeglasses Small Thing Big Idea a TED series
027 How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work Carla Harris
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw_ The global cooperation that accelerated the COVID-19 vaccin
022 The past present and future of nicotine addiction Mitch Zeller
学会这10个地道句型,秒变native speaker!