Julia Cordero - Brain-Body Interactions
A body brain circuit regulating body inflammatory responses
【英雄联盟】血汗与泪水 | 官方音乐视频宣传片
Gaia Novarino - Brain-Body Interactions
Tony Wyss-Coray - Brain-Body Interactions
Body brain interactions in health and disease
Glial and Neuronal Biology of the Aging Brain - Elizabeth Head
Session 2: Brain Body (Part 2)
Sensory neurons and their roles in barrier immunity
Ron Vale (UCSF, HHMI) 2: Molecular Motor Proteins: The Mechanism of Dynein Motil
Neuronal remodeling in complex metazone
Beth Stevens (Boston Children’s) 2 How Microglia Sculpt Brain Circuitry in Healt
Arnold Kriegstein - Genomic insights into human brain development, evolution, an
Contributions of the Glia to the Resilience of Brain Function
Bacterial interactions with neurons in pain and itch
Session 3: Frontiers in Brain-Body Communication and Interoception
Glial and Neuronal Biology of the Aging Brain - Shane Liddelow
Understanding Cell Types in the Developing Human Brain and in Glioblastoma
"Innate immune mechanisms of brain development and plasticity" by Dr. Anna Molof
Synapse Elimination 101
Ramanujan Hegde (MRC) 2: Quality Control of Protein Localization
Brain immunity, brain microbes and sickness behaviors in teleost fish
Glial and Neuronal Biology of the Aging Brain - Tracy Young-Pearse
The Antimicrobial Defense of Drosophila_ A Paradigm for Innate Immunity
Pioneers of Developmental Biology - Donald Brown Symposium Series #2
Arnold Kriegstein (UCSF) 1_ Outer Subventricular Zone Radial Glia Cells - Brain
Central Florida Brain Bee 2020_ Astrocytes (Advanced)
Brain-Computer Interfaces | Jaimie Henderson
The Brain Body Connection
European Microglia Webinar Series, by Dr. Long-Jun WU (2024-06-04)
In vivo Perturb-seq_ scaled investigation of gene functions in the brain
The Innovators - Dr. Don Cleveland
Ben Barres (Stanford) 1_ What do reactive astrocytes do
4D Cellular Physiology | Jennifer Lippincott Schwartz
Imaging of the blood-brain-barrier in aging and age-related-disease
Targeting protein phosphate 2A to enhance anti tumor immunity