Christian Ausoni (Paris): Adjunction of roots to ring spectra, with applications
https://youtu.be/Jf-Yt9fRv_Q?si=1dp6iF29Om-2QnkQ This talk was part of the conference "Homotopy theory, K-theory, and trace methods" held in July 2023 at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands in honor of Bjørn Ian Dundas' 60th birthday. Abstract: Given a ring spectrum A and a class a in the homotopy groups of A, we define under suitable assumptions an extension ring spectra realizing the adjunction of a root of a. This provides examples of tamely ramified extensions of rings spectra, with spliting results in topological Hochschild homology and algebraic K-theory of the extension. This is joint work with Haldun Özgür Bayındır and Tasos Moulinos.
Takuro Mochizuki - Some Applications of Non-Abelian Hodge Theory
Atiyah Duality and Applications - Toni Mikael Annala
Tasos Moulinos (Paris): Betti realizations of noncommutative motives
Marc Hoyois (Regensburg): Non-A^1-invariant motivic spectra
Claude Sabbah - Vanishing Theorems for the Irregular Hodge Filtration
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, I
Peter Scholze - Analytic Prismatization
Motivic Cohomology of Mixed Characteristic Schemes - Tess Bouis
Hecke operators on the space of half-densities on the groupoid Bun_G(P^1)_{0,∞}
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, III
Naoki Imai: The syntomic realization functor for Shimura varieties
Vanishing of Selmer Groups for Siegel Modular Forms - Sam Mundy
Charanya Ravi (Bangalore): Equivariant localization theorem
Vasudevan- Finiteness Questions for Étale Coverings with Bdd Wild Ramification
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part III
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part II
Global conjecture: period and L-sheaves 1(Pavel Safronov)
Kathryn Hess (Lausanne): Hochschild shadows for motivic spaces and spectra
Katharina Hübner - Different Notions of Tameness Revisited
Pavel Etingof - Periodic pencils of flat connections and their $p$-curvature
Mod-p Poincare Duality in p-adic Analytic Geometry - Bogdan Zavyalov
John Pardon - Universally Counting Curves in Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, part II
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Geometric Sen Theory
Jacob Lurie: Rationalized Syntomic Cohomology
Kenji Fukaya - $A$ Infinity Functor in Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory
Singularities in Mixed Characteristic via Alterations - Karl Schwede
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part IV
Ben Heuer: Moduli spaces in p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory.
Carlos Simpson-Rmks on the DP Program for Construction of Hecke Eigensheaves
Niels Feld (Toulouse): From motivic homotopy theory to birational geometry
Local and global conjectures on automorphic periods(Sug Woo Shin)
Linus Hamann: Finiteness Theorems for Geometric Eisenstein Series
Sabrina Pauli: Counting curves over an arbitrary field using tropical geometry
BunG Seminar Talk XXXI. Elchanan Nafcha: Chiral Koszul duality
Ran Azouri (Paris): Computing motivic nearby cycles and their mondromy
Marco Robalo (Paris): Gluing Invariants of Donaldson-Thomas Type
Alexander Efimov, Dualizable categories and localizing motives, Part V
Minhyong Kim | Arithmetic topology and field theory 2
The Homotopy Groups of the K(n)-local Sphere - Jared Weinstein