京东 11.11 红包
【经济学人】哪些国家的睡眠最好?Which countries get the best night's sleep?
油管 Sleep patterns differ across the world. From early-to-bed South Africans to Russians who hit the sack around midnight, we reveal the cultural nuances that shape global sleep schedules. Watch the film to find out where your country ranks in the lie-in-dex, and why it matters. 世界各地的睡眠模式各不相同。从早睡的南非人到午夜时分被解雇的俄罗斯人,我们揭示了影响全球睡眠时间表的文化细微差别。观看这部电影,了解您所在国家/地区在 lie-in-dex 中的排名,以及为什么它很重要。
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英语报刊高频词20000 第238天
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