京东 11.11 红包
【经济学人】生成型人工智能:它有什么好处?Generative AI: what is it good for?
油管 Generative AI is the technology behind the wave of new online tools used by millions around the world. As the technology is ever more widely deployed, what are its current strengths and its weaknesses? 生成人工智能是全球数百万人使用的新在线工具浪潮背后的技术。随着这项技术的部署越来越广泛,它目前的优势和劣势是什么?
【经济学人】没有什么可以阻止AI的发展 There’s no “magic red button” to stop AI
【大西洋月刊】英语播客|如何在数字城市中生存?How to Live in a Digital City
【经济学人】谁在用塑料污染海洋?Who is polluting the ocean with plastic?
【经济学人】人工智能是电影制作的未来吗?Is AI the future of movie-making?
【BBC六分钟英语】为什么读书,而不是看屏幕?Why read books, not screens?
【BBC六分钟英语】我们对宠物的热爱 Our love of pets
【经济学人】上大学值得吗?Is it worth going to university?
【经济学人】气候变化:金钱能否阻止森林砍伐 Climate change:can money stop deforestation
【经济学人】随着年龄的增长,你的大脑会发生什么?What happens to your brain as you age?
【经济学人】你会很快吃昆虫吗? Will you be eating insects soon?
【经济学人】哪些国家的睡眠最好?Which countries get the best night's sleep?
【BBC六分钟英语】防大象养殖 Elephant-proof farming
【经济学人】如何让这些贫困地区变得更加富裕?How to make poor areas richer?
【华尔街日报】寻找可用的人工智能小工具Rabbit vs. Meta Glasses vs. Humane: Finding a Usable AI Gadge
【BBC六分钟英语】入侵物种:为什么不吃掉它们?Invasive species:why not eat them?
【经济学人】埃隆·马斯克是谁,是什么驱使着他?Who is Elon Musk and what drives him?
【科学美国人】如何改善室内空气质量?How To Improve Indoor Air Quality?
【华尔街日报】AI创作是如何影响版权法的?Lawyer Explains How AI Is Shaking Up Copyright Law
【经济学人】为什么加密货币像蟑螂?Why is crypto like a cockroach?
【华盛顿邮报】人类还是ChatGPT?人工智能正在变得越来越好。Human or ChatGPT? AI is getting good.
【经济学人】外星生命:我们即将找到它吗?Alien life: are we about to find it?
【经济学人】马克·扎克伯格:你需要知道什么?Mark Zuckerberg:what you need to know?
【大西洋月刊】英语播客|如何判断网络信息的真假?How to Trust Your Brain Online
【经济学人】飞行能变得清洁吗?Can flying go green?
【BBC六分钟英语】名字如何讲述痛苦的故事?How names can tell painful stories?
【BBC六分钟英语】泰勒·斯威夫特的粉丝会引起地震吗?Did Taylor Swift fans cause an earthquake?
【TED-ed】买这片海洋要花多少钱?How much would it cost to buy the ocean?
【BBC六分钟英语】离婚为什么会发生?Divorce: Why does it happen?
【BBC六分钟英语】准妈妈们是为两个人吃饭 Eating for two
【BBC六分钟英语】贪婪的心理 The psychology of greed