京东 11.11 红包
Igor Krichever:two-torus到spheres的共形调和映射和elliptic CM system——1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS1aQ4t5pE4 Informal Mathematical Physics Seminar Igor Krichever, "Conformal harmonic maps of two-torus to spheres and elliptic CM system", part 1 The theory of harmonic maps of Riemann surfaces to spheres or symmetric spaces is a classical problem of differential geometry. In the talk an exact construction of conformal harmonic maps from two-torus to the spheres of any dimension will be presented. They are high dimensional analogs of instanton maps of two-torus to two sphere. A key step in the construction is unexpected connection with the theory of elliptic Calogero-Moser system. The talk is based on joint work in progress of the author with N.Nekrasov Igor Krichever, Nikita Nekrasov——《Novikov-Veselov Symmetries of the Two-Dimensional O(N) Sigma Model》:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2106.14201 We show that Novikov-Veselov hierarchy provides a complete family of commuting symmetries of two-dimensional O(N) sigma model. In the first part of the paper we use these symmetries to prove that the Fermi spectral curve for the double-periodic sigma model is algebraic. Thus, our previous construction of the complexified harmonic maps in the case of irreducible Fermi curves is complete. In the second part of the paper we generalize our construction to the case of reducible Fermi curves and show that it gives the conformal harmonic maps to even-dimensional spheres. Remarkably, the solutions are parameterized by spectral curves of turning points of the elliptic Calogero-Moser system. Igor Krichever Homepage:http://www.math.columbia.edu/~krichev/index.html ICM2022 Igor Krichever——可积系统理论中的代数几何方法和Riemann-Schottky type problems:BV1rx4y197kz Igor Krichever——《Characterizing Jacobians of algebraic curves with involution》:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2109.13161 Igor Krichever——《Abelian pole systems and Riemann-Schottky type systems》:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2202.04585
Igor Krichever:Monodromy free linear equations and Abelian pole systems
Kazuhiro Kuwae:对于非负(m,V)-Ricci曲率的V-调和映射,当m为非正时,Liouville theorem
Nigel Hitchin:Generalizations of Teichmüller space
【IHES】Tom Bridgeland:Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas Invariants
Carlos Simpson:Moduli Spaces of Sheaves on Surfaces——Lectures 1-2
Francesco Lin:Non-linear elliptic problems and their applications in Topology
Jack Thompson:Ricci solitons
Sobhan Seyfaddini:Barcodes and C0 symplectic topology
Vishnu Mangalath:Estimates for Mean Curvature Flow in R^3
Kyle Broder:Kähler-Ricci flow and the Wu-Yau theorem——1
ICM2014 Alexander Kuznetsov:Semiorthogonal decompositions in algebraic geometry
Vishnu Mangalath:Evolution of curvature for the Ricci Flow
Aaron Naber:Nonlinear Harmonic Maps and the Energy Identity
Vishnu Mangalath:Gradient Estimates in Mean Curvature Flow——1
James Stanfield:Background on differential geometry——1
Lee Kennard:Torus actions and positive curvature
Camillo De Lellis:Harmonic Multivalued Functions(Geometric Measure Theory)——2
Vlad Vicol:An Intermittent Onsager Theorem——2
Ben Andrews:Ricci flow on surfaces
Max Hallgren:Tensor Maximum Principle——1
Max Orchard:Fibre Bundles, Principal G-Bundles
Kyeongsu Choi:Ancient mean curvature flows and singularity analysis
Francesca Da Lio:Analysis of nonlocal conformal invariant variational problems—1
Yakov Eliashberg:How far symplectic flexibility may go
Eva Miranda:Geometric quantization via integrable systems——Lecture 2
Phillip Isett:Continuous Incompressible Euler Flows的Local Dissipation of Energy
Francesca Da Lio:Analysis of nonlocal conformal invariant variational problems—2
Pavel Etingof:local fields上的Hecke算子和Geometric Langlands correspondence的解析方法——1
Jack Thompson:Killing-Hopf Theorem
Kenji Fukaya(深谷贤治):J-holomorphic curve with Bubbles的Gluing Analysis和指数衰减估计
Kyeongsu Choi:Ancient solutions of the heat equation of semi-linear equations
Glen Wheeler:Ancient solutions of the heat equation with polynomial growth——3
Mohammed Abouzaid:Arnold Conjecture and Morava K-theory
Andreas Cap:Cartan Geometries——01
Yevgeny Liokumovich:测量黎曼流形的大小和复杂性&极小曲面和Quantitative Topology——1
Orli Herscovici:Gaussian B-inequality stability and equality cases
Felix Schlenk:辛嵌入的刚性的多种形式(Symplectic Embeddings)
Ciprian Manolescu:Khovanov Homology and Skein Lasagna Modules
Eckhard Meinrenken:带边曲面的Teichmüller空间的辛几何——3
Vincent Humilière:A higher dimensional generalization of the Birkhoff attractor