093 Rock Scissors Paper
005 One little finger
073 Number train 0-20
025 Counting Bananas
081 Open shut them
084 Pop goes the weasel
007 3 little kittens
034 Getting dressed song
014 After a while
051 I hear thunder
046 Hickory dickory dock
065 London bridge is falling down
097 Say Cheese
033 Five little pumpkins
070 Muffin man
096 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
066 Make a circle
041 Hello hello
045 Hey diddle diddle
068 Miss polly had a dolly
026 Days of the week song
036 Go away
023 Clean up song
057 Jack and jill
049 Humpty dumpty
100 Sing a song of six pence
018 Being kind to each other
027 Ding dong bell
012 ABC phonics song
069 Mr
047 Hot cross buns
058 Jingle bell
037 Going on a lion hunt
079 Once I caught a fish alive
015 Animal sounds
109 Ten little dinosaurs
044 Here we go looby loo
075 Numbers song1-10
004 Hello
055 If you're happy
061 Ladybug