051 I hear thunder
060 Knock knock trick or treat-1
014 After a while
057 Jack and jill
032 Exercise song
050 I have a pet
044 Here we go looby loo
084 Pop goes the weasel
055 If you're happy
052 I see something blue
058 Jingle bell
068 Miss polly had a dolly
061 Ladybug
070 Muffin man
003 Head shouders kness & toes
093 Rock Scissors Paper
067 Mary had a little lamb
081 Open shut them
066 Make a circle
079 Once I caught a fish alive
010 A sailor went to sea
011 ABC In Outer Space
109 Ten little dinosaurs
045 Hey diddle diddle
007 3 little kittens
030 Driving in my car song
100 Sing a song of six pence
016 Ants go marching
092 Rock a bye baby
097 Say Cheese
054 Ice cream song for children
080 One Potato Two Potatoes
009 5 little Speckled Frogs
098 See saw margery daw
069 Mr
019 Brush your teeth song
064 Little snowflake
048 How's the weather
018 Being kind to each other
077 Old macdonald had a farm