京东 11.11 红包
【Enno Poppe】- Stoff (w/ score) (for ensemble) (2015)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NfJdeDj3e2c Ensemble Dal Niente Enno Poppe
【Enno Poppe】- Salz (for ensemble) (w/ score) (2005)
【Enno Poppe】-Tier(for string quartet)
【Enno Poppe】- Holz, for clarinet and ensemble) (2000)
【Enno Poppe】- Zwölf , for cello (2014)
【Enno Poppe】- Trauben, for piano trio (w/score) (2004/05)
【Carola Bauckholt】- Sog (w/ score) (for electric toothbrush and ensemble)
【Claude Vivier】- Et je reverrai cette ville étrange (w/ score) (for ensemble)
【Giacinto Scelsi】- Pranam II (w/ score) (for electric organ and ensemble) (1973)
【Christophe Bertrand】- Scales, for large ensemble(2008/2009)
【György Kurtág】- Petite musique solennelle (w/ score) (2015)
【Enno Poppe】- Fleisch (2017 - World Premier)
【布莱恩·芬尼豪】弦乐三重奏,献给安德烈·理查德的50岁生日礼物 Brian Ferneyhough - Streichtrio
【Luciano Berio】- Folk Songs for Soprano and Chamber Ensemble (1964-1973)
【利盖蒂】无伴奏大提琴奏鸣曲 György Ligeti - Sonata for Solo Cello
【世界十大最难钢琴曲】之四 斯克里亚宾《第五钢琴奏鸣曲》
【Iannis Xenakis】- Shaar, for large string orchestra (w. Score) (1983)
【Georg Friedrich Haas】- AUS.WEG (w/ score) (for ensemble) (2010)
【Christophe Bertrand】- Haos (w/ score) (2003)
【Christophe Bertrand】- Mana [w/score]
【Claude Vivier】- Bouchara (1981) [w_ score]
【Rebecca Saunders】伤口(Wound)
【Alessandro Perini】- "Lumina" for five instruments (2005) - [w/score]
【Pierre Boulez】- Éclat (score)
索拉布吉 - In The Hothouse
东京音乐大学2022届毕业音乐会 | 榎 かぐや | Kaguya Enoki(Oboe) 双簧管
【Ana-Maria Avram】- Orbit of Eternal Grace (w/ score)
【Brian Ferneyhough】- String Quartet No. 5 (with score) (2006)
【Bernhard Lang】- DW 3 (w/score) (2000)
【Iannis Xenakis】- Persephassa for Six Percussionists (1969) [Score-Video]
【Giacinto Scelsi】- Anahit (w_ score) (for violin and orchestra)(1965)
【Luigi Nono】-Omaggio a György Kurtág for Contralto and Ensemble
【Mark Andre】- da, for bassoon and ensemble (w/ score) (2010/11)
【Brian Ferneyhough】- Adagissimo, for String Quartet (1983) (w/ score)
【Mark Andre】- Drei Stücke, for Ensemble (2018)
【Mark Andre】...zum Staub sollst du zurückkehren(w/score)(for ensemble) (2004/05)
【Bernd Alois Zimmermann】- Photoptosis, Prelude for Large Orchestra (1968)