231129 心理语言学工具包 MacBehaviour 教学讲座
https://cuhklpl.github.io/forum.html 对于心理学、心理语言学有兴趣的UU可以看看,是手把手教学的。 之前的系列讲座在上面的链接中都有,自取哈~ QWQ我完全看不懂 讲座内容:Just as new aircraft designs aren't rushed into production but are instead meticulously tested in wind tunnel simulations, could the digital wind tunnels for psycholinguistic research be the language models of the future? The advent of large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI's GPT series has engendered a transformative shift in computational linguistics and has led to the next technological revolution. Along with some open-source LLMs, these models, equipped with the ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text, have become valuable proxies for understanding human language processing. Psycholinguistic experiments, traditionally conducted with human subjects, are increasingly leveraging the prowess of LLMs to simulate and study language behaviours: 1) The predictive patterns of LLMs, while not identical to human cognition in all aspects so far, still offer a fertile ground for hypotheses generation and norming experimental stimuli, providing a cost-effective and scalable alternative to early-stage language research for human subjects. 2) The use of LLMs in psycholinguistics also facilitates the replication of classic experiments, allowing researchers to observe whether LLMs exhibit behaviours like human-like linguistic phenomena. The `MacBehaviour` R package serves as a methodological toolkit available for psycholinguistic research for LLMs. It facilitates researchers to design/replicate experiments and collect LLM’s verbal responses.
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