京东 11.11 红包
11202洪樂文教授訊號與系統|第11DR講Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals III
課程簡述 Brief course description This course introduces basic mathematical tools to analyze continuous/discrete-time signals and linear time-invariant systems that may be encountered in many disciplines of electrical engineering, such as signal processing, communications, circuit design, and control. In this course, we will cover topics such as convolution, filtering, sampling, Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, and the z-transform. In essence, students will learn how to view and process signals in both time and frequency domains. 課程大綱 Syllabus ♠Goal and Overview This course introduces basic mathematical tools to analyze continuous/discrete-time signals and linear time-invariant systems that may be encountered in many disciplines of electrical engineering, such as signal processing, communications, circuit design, and control. In this course, we will cover topics such as convolution, filtering, sampling, Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, and the z-transform. In essence, students will learn how to view and process signals in both time and frequency domains. ♠Related Topics Calculus, Linear Algebra. 指定用書 Textbook Book ♠Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid Nawab, Signals and Systems, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education Limited, 2014 (or Prentice-Hall, 1997) ISBN:9781292025902 【更多課程資訊可參閱此連結,謝謝您】
11202洪樂文教授訊號與系統|第24AR講The z-Transform I
11001周志遠教授作業系統(=10501)_第2C講 Ch0:Historical Prospective
11001周志遠教授作業系統(=10501)_第8C講 Ch3:Processes Concept
11001黃振昌教授結晶繞射概論(=10301)_第9A講 space group (討論空間結構的對稱)
11001周志遠教授作業系統(=10501)_第14B講 Ch9:Virtual Memory Management
11002張國浩教授隨機過程_第12講Stochastic Processes Ch.6 - Lecture 2
11101金雅琴教授電子學|第7A講7-1CMOS ampliffiers (chap7)
11202洪樂文教授訊號與系統|第7ER講 Linear Time-Invariant Systems II
11101金雅琴教授電子學|第8C講9-3Cascode Current mirror (chap9)
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9H講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第6A講 合併與收購1
11120祝平次教授數位人文專題|第10R講 CText_ texttools 應用 之 2
11101金雅琴教授電子學|第5B講5-2Bipolar amplifiers (chap5)
【北京大学】法理学(合46讲)朱苏力 强世功
10401葉廷仁教授控制系統一_第3A講 數理基礎與拉普拉斯轉換
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第2E講 財務比率5
11101韓永楷教授資料結構導論_第6G講_10.7-Augmenting Data Structure
11001劉俊賢教授機械設計製圖_第14A講 視圖應用及實作
10101金仲達教授嵌入式系統概論 _第2A講 Design and Development
11001 陳福教授電子顯微鏡一_第2B講 CH2:Electron gun
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第7N講 存託憑證4
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第5A講 投資策略1
11001劉俊賢教授機械設計製圖_第7C講 草繪特徵-螺旋簡介及繪圖技巧實作
10101金仲達教授嵌入式系統概論 _第17A講 RTOS and MQX
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9D講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9B講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
10401葉廷仁教授控制系統一_第15A講 二階系統的阻尼比
10802李哲榮教授雲端計算_第1A講 Trend of Computing
11001黃振昌教授結晶繞射概論=10301_第6A講 point group (triclinic + monoclinic)
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第14E講 Reduction of State Tables _ State Assignment
10820 NTHUOCW焦傳金教授腦與心智_第4G講 感覺&知覺 III 原來我們聽到的可能不一樣、基因影響嗅覺辨識!
11001劉俊賢教授機械設計製圖_第14C講 視圖應用及實作
10401葉廷仁教授控制系統一_第2B講 閉回路控制系統
11002李明蒼教授兩相流_第9講 Lecture 9:The Modeling of Nucleate Boiling
11001 劉俊賢教授工程圖學=10501_第5B講 設計製圖基礎-製圖標準
10802焦傳金教授系統神經科學_第3C講 Sensation and perception: vision I
10802焦傳金教授系統神經科學_第3G講 Sensation and perception: vision I