京东 11.11 红包
Beyond COVID: Reframing the Global Problematique with STiP
We live in unprecedented times, a period new to human history, the Anthropocene-world. From 2020 all have been subjected to the perturbations of pandemic, economic disruption, war and civil unrest and changes in whole-Earth dynamics associated with a human-induced Anthropocene. These perturbations can be understood as wave-fronts breaking on the shore of our historical ways of thinking and acting, buffered only by our historically derived institutions (norms, rules) and the governance systems we have invented. Collectively, we must take seriously the question: what purposeful action will aid human flourishing, create and sustain a viable space for humanity, in our ongoing co-evolution with the Anthropocene-Biosphere? In earlier times others have articulated similar concerns about the human predicament. Turkish-American cybernetician, Hasan Özbekhan (1970)[1], introduced the idea of the ‘global problematique’ to refer to the ‘bundle of problems’ confronting humanity; this ‘bundle’ of systemically related problems persists. In fact it has become worse. Drawing on Özbekhan’s report and arguments presented in detail in Ison & Straw (2020)[2] , the case for innovation in ways of knowing realised by institutions, praxis and governance systems is posed. Practitioners of knowledge science and systems science have to consider reflexively the traditions of understanding out of which the think and act. Members of the audience and the wider knowledge science and systems science community are invited to consider what actions can be taken within and by the cybersystemic ‘community’ to enable greater solidarity based on mutual appreciation and respect for differences-that-make-a-difference as a sought-after contribution to beneficial transformative action.
[sesc2024] 大会报告5_王永贵:数字营销——前沿、问题与方向
[港航2023年会]港航与大宗商品多源异构大数据的采集融合与应用 隋聪
【数据科学与知识系统专委会2024学术年会】领悦南京-宝马信息技术中心总经理戚海飞:《Data & AI驱动的智能制造》
[港航2023年会]如何打造国际航运中心的生态系统——新加坡视角 孟强
[港航2023年会]知识与数据融合驱动的海运排放高维图谱模型及应用 贾鹏
2024年优博博士学位论文专场 (张鑫、张晗笑、姜尚荣、樊彧、李奕)
[KSS2023] Closing (闭幕式)
[KSS2023] Keynote 1 by Hiroki Sayama
[KSS2023] Keynote 3 by Yongmiao Hong
[KSS2023] Keynote 2 by Kaushik Dutta
[KSS2023] 生成式AI与知识管理产业论坛
SESC22 大会报告 - 郭雷:智能系统的理论基础 --- 控制论的某些贡献与启示
[港航2023年会]招商轮船在降碳和新能源领域的探索 胡斌
[港航2023年会]遥感大模型及其海洋城市应用 王少华
[kss2022]Integrating Machine Learning and Evidential Reasoning by V N Huynh
[kss2022]Cognitive Digital Twins by Dimitrios Kiritsis
[KSS2023] Opening (开幕式)
青年科技奖专场 (樊京芳、裴军、姜广鑫、李金)
[kss2022]Meta-synthesis decision methodology of complex system mgmt by Huang
[sesc2024] 大会报告3_洪永淼:数智时代计量经济学与统计学研究范式的演变