Jacob Tsimerman - BSD and Estimates for Class Groups of Number Fields(Nekovar)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfBkYh7rbfc (Joint with A.Shankar) We consider question of bounding (Fixed) torsion in class groups of number fields: Given two integers $m,n$, what is the smallest constant $e_{m,n}$ such that $\#Cl(K)[m]$ is bounded by $|Disc(K)|^{e_{m,n}+o(1)}$ for all number fields $K$ of degree $m$? Conjecturally $e_{m,n}=0$. Unconditionally, the bound of 1/2 follows directly from the Brauer-Siegel Theorem and this is the best we can do in most cases, though there are improvements in existing cases. We discuss a method to bound these quantities by re-interpreting the torsion in the class group as a finite Selmer group, and embedding it into an appropriate motive. We prove that if one assumes GRH + Refined BSD, one can prove the bound $e_{5,n} = 1/4$ independently of what $n$ is. We also show that this can be made unconditional in the function field case, where even though BSD is open, in a sense, one still has the refined BSD formula. The method requires us to find appropriate motives with suitably trivial modular Galois representations, and one of our hopes in giving this talk is to encourage the audience to aid us in finding such motives! Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto)
Don Zagier - Modular Forms and Differential Equations
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, I
Claude Sabbah - Vanishing Theorems for the Irregular Hodge Filtration
Bhargav Bhatt - Local systems and Higgs bundles in p-adic geometry
Lucas Mann: A p-adic six functor formalism in rigid analytic geometry, I
Kenji Fukaya - $A$ Infinity Functor in Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory
John Pardon - Universally Counting Curves in Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Hecke operators on the space of half-densities on the groupoid Bun_G(P^1)_{0,∞}
Igusa Stacks and Local-Global Compatibility - Mingjia Zhang 张明嘉
Mingjia Zhang: Intersection cohomology of Shimura varieties
K-theory in p-Adic Geometry - Greg Andreychev(IAS)
Comparison Theorems in p-adic Geometry - Emanuel Reinecke(IAS)
Mikhail Kapranov - Perverse Sheaves and Resurgence
Vanishing of Selmer Groups for Siegel Modular Forms - Sam Mundy
Alexander Petrov - Characteristic Classes of Étale Local Systems
Lucas Mann: A p-adic six functor formalism in rigid analytic geometry, II
Prismatic F-gauges and Fontaine-Laffaille Modules - Vadim Vologodsky
Fangzhou Jin (Shanghai): The quadratic Artin conductor of a motivic spectrum
Algebraic K-Theory and P-Adic Arithmetic Geometry - Matthew Morrow
Peter Scholze, Refined TC^− over perfectoid rings
Vadim Vologodsky: Sheared prismatization
Alexander Efimov, Dualizable categories and localizing motives, Part V
Shachar Carmeli: The K-theory of non-split tori
Global conjecture: period and L-sheaves 1(Pavel Safronov)
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Geometric Sen Theory
Vasudevan- Finiteness Questions for Étale Coverings with Bdd Wild Ramification
Alexander Efimov, Dualizable categories and localizing motives, Part I
Thomas Nikolaus: (Generalized) Prismatic cohomology and the motivic filtration
Eike Lau: Truncated Barsotti-Tate groups and truncated displays.
Pro-etale Cohomology of Rigid-Analytic Spaces - Johannes Anschütz
Singularities in Mixed Characteristic via Alterations - Karl Schwede
BunG Seminar Talk XXXV: Matthew Emerton: Counting points on Bun_G
Brian Williams | Algebraic quantum field theory 2
The Reduction modulo p of Crystalline Breuil—Kisin Modules - Toby Gee
Naoki Imai: The syntomic realization functor for Shimura varieties
Atsushi Shiho - Weight Filtration on Log Crystalline Site
Charanya Ravi (Bangalore): Equivariant localization theorem
Spencer Bloch - Kummer Extensions, with Applications to Generalized ...(nekovar)
p-adic Hyperbolicity of Shimura Varieties - Xinwen Zhu
Pavel Etingof - Periodic pencils of flat connections and their $p$-curvature