Prismatic F-gauges and Fontaine-Laffaille Modules - Vadim Vologodsky
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tRmjTo4alkc Special Year Workshop on p-adic Arithmetic Geometry Topic: Prismatic F-gauges and Fontaine-Laffaille Modules Speaker: Vadim Vologodsky Affiliation: HSE/Princeton University Date: November 16, 2023 With every bounded prism Bhatt and Scholze associated a cohomology theory of formal p-adic schemes. The prismatic cohomology comes equipped with the Nygaard filtration and the Frobenius endomorphism. The Bhatt-Scholze construction has been advanced further by Drinfeld and Bhatt-Lurie who constructed a cohomology theory with values in a stable -category of prismatic F-gauges. The new cohomology theory is universal, meaning that, for every bounded prism, the associated prismatic cohomology theory factors through the category of prismatic F-gauges. In this talk I will explain how a full subcategory of the category of prismatic F-gauges formed by objects whose Hodge-Tate weights lie in the interval [0,p-2] is equivalent to the derived category of Fontaine-Laffaille modules with a similar weight constrain. In the geometric context, this means that the prismatic F-gauge associated with a formally smooth scheme over p-adic integers of dimension p-1 can be recovered from its Hodge filtered de Rham cohomology equipped with the Nygaard refined crystalline Frobenius endomorphism. The talk is based on a joint work with Gleb Terentiuk and Yujie Xu.
Thomas Nikolaus: (Generalized) Prismatic cohomology and the motivic filtration
Mingjia Zhang: Intersection cohomology of Shimura varieties
Stacks and Log Prismatic Cohomology - Martin Olsson
《线性代数》同济大学 第七版,零基础学习
Motivic Cohomology of Mixed Characteristic Schemes - Tess Bouis
Spencer Bloch - Kummer Extensions, with Applications to Generalized ...(nekovar)
p-adic Hyperbolicity of Shimura Varieties - Xinwen Zhu
The Reduction modulo p of Crystalline Breuil—Kisin Modules - Toby Gee
Marc Levine: Bott residue theorems in quadratic intersection theory,applications
Lucas Mann: A p-adic six functor formalism in rigid analytic geometry, I
Claude Sabbah - Vanishing Theorems for the Irregular Hodge Filtration
John Pardon - Universally Counting Curves in Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Igusa Stacks and Local-Global Compatibility - Mingjia Zhang 张明嘉
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Fargues-Fontaine de Rham stacks
Mohammed Abouzaid - Prospects for Spectral Mirror Symmetry
Kathryn Hess (Lausanne): Hochschild shadows for motivic spaces and spectra
Takuro Mochizuki - Some Applications of Non-Abelian Hodge Theory
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, IV
David Hansen: Geometric Whittaker coefficients and the Fargues-Fontaine curve
Irregular Loci in the Emerton-Gee Stack for GL2 - Kalyani Kansal(IAS)
From Rings to Ring Spectra - Allen Yuan(IAS)
Motivic Cohomology of Singular Schemes: a dégustation - Elden Elmanto
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Local and global conjectures on automorphic periods(Sug Woo Shin)
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, part II
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On Endomorphisms of THH - Maxime Ramzi
Bogdan Zavyalov: The trace morphism and Poincare Duality in p-adic na geometry
Algebraic K-Theory and P-Adic Arithmetic Geometry - Matthew Morrow
Jacob Tsimerman - BSD and Estimates for Class Groups of Number Fields(Nekovar)
Stacks in p-adic Hodge Theory of Rigid Spaces - Arthur-Cesar Le Bras
Vladimir Drinfeld - Shimurian analogs of Barsotti-Tate groups.
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Alexander Efimov, Dualizable categories and localizing motives, Part II
The Homotopy Groups of the K(n)-local Sphere - Jared Weinstein
Don Zagier - Modular Forms and Differential Equations
Mikhail Kapranov - Perverse Sheaves and Resurgence
The v-Picard Group of Stein Spaces - Sally Gilles
Geometric Langlands Seminar: Dieudonne theory I: classical approach
Ananth Shankar: Integral canonical models of Shimura varieties