Kateryna Tatarko:Isoperimetric problem from classical to reverse——II
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V68uxxnz2o8 Hausdorff Center for Mathematics The well-known classical isoperimetric problem states that the Euclidean ball has the largest volume among all convex bodies in Rn of a fixed surface area. We will discuss the question of reversing this result for the class of convex bodies with curvature at each point of their boundary bounded below by some positive constant. In particular, we discuss the problem of minimizing the volume in this class of convex bodies and resolve it in R3. S. Myroshnychenko, K. Tatarko, V. Yaskin——“Answers to questions of Grünbaum and Loewner”:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2404.15188 We construct a convex body K in Rn, n≥5, with the property that there is exactly one hyperplane H passing through c(K), the centroid of K, such that the centroid of K∩H coincides with c(K). This provides answers to questions of Grünbaum and Loewner for n≥5. The proof is based on the existence of non-intersection bodies in these dimensions. Kostiantyn Drach, Kateryna Tatarko——“Reverse isoperimetric problems under curvature constraints”:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.02294 In this paper we solve several reverse isoperimetric problems in the class of λ-convex bodies, i.e., convex bodies whose curvature at each point of their boundary is bounded below by some λ>0. We give an affirmative answer in R3 to a conjecture due to Borisenko which states that the λ-convex lens, i.e., the intersection of two balls of radius 1/λ, is the unique minimizer of volume among all λ-convex bodies of given surface area. Also, we prove a reverse inradius inequality: in model spaces of constant curvature and arbitrary dimension, we show that the λ-convex lens (properly defined in non-zero curvature spaces) has the smallest inscribed ball among all λ-convex bodies of given surface area. This solves a conjecture due to Bezdek on minimal inradius of isoperimetric ball-polyhedra in Rn.
Orli Herscovici:Gaussian B-inequality stability and equality cases
Alexander Koldobsky:Comparison problems for the Radon transform
Maria Alfonseca Cubero:On uniqueness questions of Croft, Falconer and Guy
Taryn Flock:The nonlinear Brascamp-Lieb inequality
Jennifer Duncan:Nonlinear Brascamp Lieb inequalities
Rotem Assouline:Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for sprays on surfaces
Kateryna Tatarko:Isoperimetric problem from classical to reverse——III
Joseph Lehec:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——2——4
Anna Gusakova:Concentration inequalities for Poisson U-statistics
Alex Iosevich:Signal recovery, restriction theory, and applications——II
Joseph Lehec:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——3——4
Alexandros Eskenazis:Functional inequalities in Metric Geometry——III
Galyna Livshyts:Geometric functional inequalities, old and new
Neal Bez:Regularized Inverse Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——1——1
Joseph Lehec:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——1——4
Dylan Langharst:Higher-order affine isoperimetric inequalities
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——3——2
【The Abel lectures 2024】Sara van de Geer:统计学家对Michel Talagrand作品的评选
Otis Chodosh:Minimizers in Gamow s liquid drop model
Joseph Lehec:The Langevin Algorithm in the Non Smooth Log-Concave Case
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——4——2
Alex Iosevich:Signal recovery, restriction theory, and applications——IV
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——2——2
Alexandros Eskenazis:Functional inequalities in Metric Geometry——II
Assaf Naor:Reverse isoperimetry
Anindya De:Sparsification of Gaussian Processes
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——1——2
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——4——1
Joseph Lehec:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——1——3
Alexandros Eskenazis:Functional inequalities in Metric Geometry——I
【The Abel lectures 2024】Assaf Naor:Michel Talagrand almost everywhere
Kateryna Tatarko:Isoperimetric problem from classical to reverse——I
Yuval Filmus:Structure theorems in Boolean Harmonic Analysis——I
Joseph Lehec:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——3——3
Vishnu Mangalath:Stucture of Yang-Mills equations
Yuval Filmus:Structure theorems in Boolean Harmonic Analysis——III
Yuval Filmus:Structure theorems in Boolean Harmonic Analysis——II
Ben Andrews:Harmonic functions of polynomial growth——2
Anton Alekseev:组合量子化和flat connections的模空间的Batalin-Vilkovisky结构——1