京东 11.11 红包
Anton Alekseev:组合量子化和flat connections的模空间的Batalin-Vilkovisky结构——1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmMI3vClIjc NCCR SwissMAP Combinatorial quantization and BV structures of moduli of flat connections 1/2, A. Alekseev (UNIGE) Quantisation of moduli spaces from different perspectives In these two lectures, we will start by recalling the definition and properies of Goldman brackets and of the Fock-Rosly bivector on the representation space of a fundamental group of an oriented surface. We will then sketch a combinatorioal quantization scheme for modulis paces inspired by the Faddeev-Reshetikhin-Takhtajan (FRT) presentation of quantum groups, and we will point out some links to other quantization schemes. If time permits, we will also discuss the notion of Turaev cobracket and its relation to Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) structures on moduli spaces. These lectures are based on joint works with H. Grosse, F. Naef, J. Pulmann, V. Schomerus and P. Severa. Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Ján Pulmann, Pavol Ševera——“Batalin-Vilkovisky structures on moduli spaces of flat connections”:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2024.109580 Anton Yu. Alekseev, Harald Grosse & Volker Schomerus——“Combinatorial quantization of the Hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory I”:https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02099431 Anton Yu. Alekseev, Harald Grosse & Volker Schomerus——“Combinatorial quantization of the Hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory II”:https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02101528 Anton Yu. Alekseev & Volker Schomerus——“The chern-simons theory and quantized moduli spaces of flat connections”:https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0102550 A. Alekseev & E. Meinrenken——“On the Kashiwara–Vergne conjecture”:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-005-0486-4 Anton Alekseev, Charles Torossian——“The Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture and Drinfeld’s associators”:https://doi.org/10.4007/annals.2012.175.2.1 A. Alekseev, B. Enriquez & C. Torossian——“Drinfeld associators, Braid groups and explicit solutions of the Kashiwara–Vergne equations”:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10240-010-0029-4
Mark Goresky:Introduction to perverse sheaves
Claude Viterbo:Rectification and Floer complex quantizing Lagrangians in T∗N
Eckhard Meinrenken:带边曲面的Teichmüller空间的辛几何——3
James Stanfield:Hermitian manifolds with flat Gauduchon connections
Jacques Distler:N=2 SCFTs and Families of Hitchin Systems
Konstantin Khanin:Yakov Sinai——Between mathematics and physics
Ciprian Manolescu:拓扑量子场论TQFT&Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev&数学规范理论&低维拓扑&纽结理论&Floer同调2
Ben Andrews:Harmonic functions with polynomial growth——1
Vishnu Mangalath:Gradient Estimates in Mean Curvature Flow——1
Vivek Shende:Skeins on branes
Boáz Klartag:Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets——1——1
Christina Sormani:Intrinsic Flat and Gromov-Hausdorff Convergence——3
Vishnu Mangalath:Estimates for Mean Curvature Flow in R^3
Christina Sormani:Intrinsic Flat and Gromov-Hausdorff Convergence——1
Ben Andrews:Ricci flow on surfaces
Ron Donagi:On Integrable Systems and 3D Mirror Symmetry(Deligne-Simpson Problem)
Richard Bamler:Mean curvature flow in R^3 and the Multiplicity One Conjecture——1
Misha Bialy:Integrable billiards and rigidity——I
Richard Schoen:Steklov特征值和自由边界极小曲面
【Fields Institute】Mohammed Abouzaid:Bordism of orbifolds——2
Albert Wood:Singularities of Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow——1
Kazuhiro Kuwae: 非光滑空间的Synthetic Curvature Bounds:超越有限维
Karl-Theodor Sturm:Metric measure spaces and synthetic Ricci bounds(度量测度空间)
Vishnu Mangalath:Evolution of curvature for the Ricci Flow
Glen Wheeler:Ancient solutions of the heat equation with polynomial growth——2
Tony Pantev:Geometry and Topology of Wild Character Varieties
Carlos Simpson:Moduli Spaces of Sheaves on Surfaces——Lectures 1-2
Andrea Mondino:满足Ricci曲率有下界的度量测度空间(Metric Measure Space)——1
Andrea Mondino:满足Ricci曲率有下界的度量测度空间(Metric Measure Space)——3
Max Orchard:Fibre Bundles, Principal G-Bundles
Camillo De Lellis:The Onsager Theorem and Beyond——1
Eckhard Meinrenken:带边曲面的Teichmüller空间的辛几何——2
Yuval Filmus:Structure theorems in Boolean Harmonic Analysis——IV
Camillo De Lellis:Harmonic Multivalued Functions(Geometric Measure Theory)——2
Christina Sormani:Intrinsic Flat and Gromov-Hausdorff Convergence——2
Ko Honda:The Giroux Correspondence in Arbitrary Dimensions
Vamsi Pritham Pingali:Calabi猜想与复Monge-Ampère方程(The Calabi Conjectures)——2
Kenji Fukaya(深谷贤治):在J-holomorphic curves模空间上Packaging Kuranishi structure的构造
Alex Iosevich:Signal recovery, restriction theory, and applications——II
Tomasz Mrowka:Floer homology——1.2