京东 11.11 红包
【TED-ED】这些蝾螈互食彼此却不死 |These salamanders snack on each other (but don't die)
Axolotls are one of science's most studied animals. Why, you ask? These extraordinary salamanders are masters of regeneration: they can flawlessly regenerate body parts ranging from amputated limbs and crushed spines to parts of their eyes and brains. So, how do they do it? And what other secrets are they keeping? Luis Zambrano explores the baffling biology of the axolotl. 美西螈是科学研究最多的动物之一。你会问,为什么呢?这些奇妙的蝾螈是再生大师:它们可以完美地再生身体的各个部分,从被截去的四肢、被压碎的脊椎到部分眼睛和大脑。那么,它们如何做到的呢?它们还藏着什么秘密呢?探索了美西螈令人困惑的生物学特性。
【TED-Ed】史上最“糟糕”的修女| History's "worst" nun
【TED-ED】我们为什么做梦?|Why do we dream?
【TED-Ed】化疗的原理 | How does chemotherapy work?
【TED-Ed】无法从父母那里得到(却不能没有)的基因|The genes you don't get from your parents
【TED-Ed】自恋心理学 |The psychology of narcissism
【TED-Ed】香皂和免洗洗手液哪一种更好?|Which is better: Soap or hand sanitizer?
【TED演讲】女孩要勇敢,而不是完美|Teach girls bravery, not perfection
【TED-Ed】酒精为何导致宿醉?|How does alcohol cause hangovers?
【TED-Ed】比萨斜塔为何屹立不倒?|Why doesn't the Leaning Tower of Pisa fall over?
【TED演讲】物质越少,快乐越多 | Less stuff, more happiness
【TED-Ed】你真的需要每晚 8 小时的睡眠吗?|Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night?
【TED-Ed】压力会造成粉刺吗?|Does stress cause pimples?
【TED-Ed】饺子的简史 | A brief history of dumplings
【TED-Ed】你能够解开这个关于作弊的皇家之谜吗?Can you solve the cheating royal riddle?
【TED-Ed】道德困境:你会说谎吗?|Ethical dilemma: Would you lie?
【TED演讲】创业公司成功的最重要原因 |The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed
【TED-Ed】通过屁股呼吸的海洋生物|This sea creature breathes through its butt
【TED-Ed】皮肤健康的五大误区|5 skin health myths to stop believing now
【TED-Ed】增进自信心的三个小技巧 |3 tips to boost your confidence
【TED演讲】每个孩子都需要一个支持者| Every kid needs a champion
【TED-Ed】粪便移植是什么?它是如何运作的?|What is a poop transplant, and how does it work?
【TED-Ed】是什么在你耳朵里嗡嗡作响?|What's that ringing in your ears?
【TED-Ed】咖啡因与酒精如何影响你的睡眠?|How caffeine and alcohol affect your sleep?
【TED演讲】如何成为一名杰出的领导者?|What it takes to be a great leader?
【TED-Ed】我们为什么会哭?|Why do we cry?
【TED-Ed】我们为什么会在看电影时吃爆米花?|Why do we eat popcorn at the movies?
【TED-Ed】自动驾驶车辆如何看清前面道路?|How do self-driving cars "see"?
【TED-Ed】你能揭开这个桥谜团吗?|Can you solve the bridge riddle?
【TED-Ed】记忆的产生和丢失 |How memories form and how we lose them?
【TED-Ed】如何维持一段长久的友情?|What makes a friendship last?
【TED演讲】为什么好的领导能给你安全感?|Why good leaders make you feel safe?
【TED演讲】自受孕至出生——可视化 | Conception to birth -- visualized
【TED-Ed】猫眼中的世界史 |The history of the world according to cats
【TED-ED】你的车用什么燃料最好?|What's the best fuel for your car?