【ESI会议04/22】Rahul Dalal - Counting Level-1, Quaternionic Automorphic Reps on G_2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbLEFpuymkw&list=PLjvY6sC_0lhIO0-DggR3l4Etr9m9H2dJ9&index=17 This talk was part of the Workshop on "Minimal Representations and Theta Correspondence" held at the ESI April 11 to 15, 2022. We count quaternionic automorphic representations on the exceptional group G2 by developing a G2 version of the classical Eichler-Selberg trace formula for holomorphic modular forms. There are three main technical points. First, quaternionic discrete series come in L-packets with non-quaternionic members and standard invariant trace formula techniques cannot easily distinguish between discrete series with real component in the same L-packet. Using the more modern stable trace formula resolves this issue. Second, quaternionic discrete series do not satisfy a technical condition of being "regular", so the trace formula can a priori pick up unwanted contributions from automorphic representations with non-tempered components at infinity---some work with real representation theory is required. Finally, we apply some tricks of Chenevier, Renard, and Taïbi for the level-1 case to avoid onerous computations on the geometric side.
【ESI会议04/22】Anne-Marie Aubert - Theta correspondence and wave front set
Motives and automorphic representations - James Arthur 2023
【IHES2022】Wei Zhang - High-dimensional Gross-Zagier Formula
【ICM2022报告】Peng Shan:中心的几何实现
【ESI会议04/22】David Soudry - New types of Siegel-Weil formula
【IHES2022】 Chao Li Geometric and Arithmetic Theta Correspondences
【ICM2022报告】Michel van den Bergh: 非交换crepant消解
【ICM2022报告】Ana Caraiani:Shimura簇的挠系数上同调与应用
【IHES2022】Peter Scholze - Langlands纲领与曲线上丛的模空间 2/3
【IHES2022】Chao Li - Geometric and Arithmetic Theta Correspondences 2/2
【IHES2022】Dipendra Prasad - 同调版本的分歧律
【IHES2022】Wei Zhang - High-dimensional Gross–Zagier Formula 2/2
【ICM2022报告】David Loeffler & Sarah Zerbes:欧拉系和Bloch-Kato猜想
【IHES2022】Jean-François Dat 局部L参数的模空间 1/2
【IHES2022】Wee Teck Gan - 自守形式的具体构造 1/2
【IHES2022】Yiannis Sakellaridis - 超越内窥中的局部和整体问题 2/2
【IHES2022】Jessica Fintzen - 超尖表示-构造,分类,特征 2/2
Syntomic Complexes
【IHES2022】Jessica Fintzen 超尖表示-构造,分类,特征 1/2
Flach Lecture 2 - motivic L函数特殊值 II
阿廷互反律 & 球面
【探索数论与物理的新联系】David Ben-Zvi - Langlands纲领作为电磁的对偶 3 /4
【ICM2022报告】Yiannis Sakellaridis- 球簇, 函子性, 量子化
【IHES2022】Peter Scholze - Langlands纲领与曲线上丛的模空间 1/3
On the K-theory of Z/p^n
【探索数论与物理的新联系】David Ben-Zvi - Langlands纲领作为电磁的对偶 4/4
【ICM2022报告】Ye Tian:椭圆曲线二次扭的算术
【IHES2022】David Ben-Zvi 凝聚版本和可构造版本的局部Langlands对应 1/2
【ICM报告2022】Xinwen Zhu- 算术与几何Langlands
【IHES2022】Yiannis Sakellaridis - 超越内窥中的局部整体问题 1/2
【探索数论与物理的新联系】David Ben-Zvi - Langlands纲领作为电磁的对偶 1/4
【IHES2022】Jean-François Dat 局部L参数的模空间 2/2
【IHES2022】Wee Teck Gan - 自守形式的具体构造 (2/2)
Jacob Lurie_ A Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence in p-adic Geometry Part 2
【ICM2022报告】Weinan E:机器学习的一种数学观点
Flach Lecture 1 - motivic L函数特殊值 I
解析几何 by Peter Scholze
Flach Lecture 3 - zeta函数特殊值 (三种等价表述)