京东 11.11 红包
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语How many swings are there?
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语What can you do?
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语This is my friend Tina.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语You're welcome.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Let's play.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语How many swings are there?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语I'm hungry.
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Hello! I'm Betty.
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Let's Smile 英文歌曲——【This and That】
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【What does he do?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语How is it?
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语Do you want a cookie?
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【What's the matter?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【I have 34 seashells.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【I'm bored.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Cats in Clothes】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Singing Cats】
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语It's green.
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斯玛特Smart English 2nd情景口语What color is it?
Let's Smile 英文歌曲——【Where Is It?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Can I help you?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Where is your mouse from?】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【I like your new cap. Thanks.】
斯玛特Smart English 2nd每日英语口语【Can you skateboard? No, I can't.】