京东 11.11 红包
10301 NTHUOCW材料熱力學一_第24A講 Phase Equilibrium(Transformation)
謝倉秀哥大愛無私地奉獻材料熱力學的講義, 幫助學弟妹有效率地學習。老師的講義已經整理好課堂上的內容,若是同學能自己動手記錄下課堂上的重點,配合老師的講義內容,相信更能事半功倍加深記憶。Professor Tsung-Shiew Huang lights up your road of learning Thermodynamics of Materials. Professor Huang’s lecture notes give you wings. 【課程介紹】 本課程分兩學期授課,上學期先介紹熱力學三大定律及各種熱力學函數,例如熱容量, entropy,焓及自由能等;並討論單相氣體及凝態系統之熱力學性質o從統計熱力學解釋 entropy之微觀意義,以及partition function與自由能之關係式,並特別舉例說明其應用於熱容量之理論推導o下學期則討論理想與真實溶液之性質,雙元相圖與自由能之關係,化學反應之平衡觀念,特別以固態材料系統為對象,探討其化學反應及相轉變所需考量之熱力學觀念。 This course will be delivered in two semesters. In the first semester, the three laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic functions, such as heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy, and free energy will be introduced. The microscopic meanings of internal energy and entropy are interpreted by statistical thermodynamics. Relationship between partition function and free energy, as well asits application for theoretical derivation of heat capacity will be discussed. And we will also discuss thermodynamic properties of the single phase gas and condensed matter systems. In the second semester, we will discuss the behavior of ideal and real solutions, the relationship between binary phasediagram and Gibbs free energy curves, and the concepts of reaction equilibrium.Thermodynamic concepts for phase transitionsand chemicalreaction are discussed. 【指定用書】 ♠ D.R. Gaskell: "Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials," 5th ed. 【課程網站可參閱此: https://ocw.nthu.edu.tw/ocw/index.php?page=course&cid=113&】
第1A講 6.2 Matrix representation
第4F講 Semiconductor Interconnection and contacts
第3A講 crystal structure + stereographic projection
第1C講 Introduction and Review Ultrafast Optics
第10C講 space group
第1A講 course introduction
11101金雅琴教授電子學|第10B講11-2Frequency Response (chap11)
第2C講 Application of Steady State
第9D講 Johnson Noise
第2D講 Application of Steady State
【航天基础科普】第三期 火箭发动机循环
10301 NTHUOCW材料熱力學一_第24B講 Phase Equilibrium(Transformation)
11001黃振昌教授結晶繞射概論(=10301)_第19A講 structure factor + shape effect
11202洪樂文教授訊號與系統|第24AR講The z-Transform I
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9C講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
10310 NTHUOCW李家同教授通訊概論 _第17講 Quadriphase-shift Keying (QPSK)
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第5A講 Karnaugh Maps
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第14A講 Reduction of State Tables _ State Assignment
10301莊永仁教授_生命科學一_第12C講 Control of Gene Expression
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9B講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
第7A講 Production Function (Technology)
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9D講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
10402張寶塔教授個體經濟學2_第17A講 Price taking firm short run equilibrium
10620王俊堯教授數位邏輯設計_第9H講 Multiplexers, Decoders, and Programmable Logic Devices
10401葉廷仁教授控制系統一_第3A講 數理基礎與拉普拉斯轉換
10401葉廷仁教授控制系統一_第1A講 控制系統一簡介
11001黃振昌教授結晶繞射概論(=10301)_第22A講 diffractometer method + X-ray rocking curve
第2A講 Introduction and Review Ultrafast Optics
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第6D講 合併與收購4
11001黃振昌教授結晶繞射概論=10301_第28A講 final remark
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第7E講 可轉債1
10302嚴大任教授工程數學2_第19B講 Laplace transform for diffusion equations
11101林哲群教授財務決策分析_第3A講 長期成長和長期財務規劃
第2B講 MATLAB小傳與外觀 / 初探MATLAB
10401葉廷仁教授控制系統一_第7B講 波德圖範例
第22B講 Memory
10102趙啟超教授線性代數_第25A講 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors VIII