092 Rock a bye baby
081 Open shut them
084 Pop goes the weasel
080 One Potato Two Potatoes
005 One little finger
020 Bye bye goodbye
034 Getting dressed song
064 Little snowflake
093 Rock Scissors Paper
017 Baa baa black sheep
015 Animal sounds
041 Hello hello
060 Knock knock trick or treat-1
010 A sailor went to sea
063 Little boy blue
013 ABC songs
012 ABC phonics song
099 Shapes train song
016 Ants go marching
008 5 little monkeys
048 How's the weather
109 Ten little dinosaurs
045 Hey diddle diddle
067 Mary had a little lamb
051 I hear thunder
073 Number train 0-20
009 5 little Speckled Frogs
047 Hot cross buns
056 I'm a little snowman
049 Humpty dumpty
097 Say Cheese
026 Days of the week song
052 I see something blue
076 Old king cole
046 Hickory dickory dock
085 Potty song
011 ABC In Outer Space
025 Counting Bananas
019 Brush your teeth song
079 Once I caught a fish alive
004 Hello