proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture 1(Gaitsgory)
https://www.minhyongkim.net/research/current-seminars/arithmetic-topological-field-theory-and-relative-langlands-duality Abstract: In the course of these two talks we will explain the construction of the Langlands functor (in the context of D-modules), and outline the steps in the proof that it is an equivalence of categories. This is a joint work with Arinkin, Beraldo, Chen, Faergeman, Lin, Raskin and Rozenblyum.
Geometric Langlands Seminar. Casimir Kothari: The Moduli Stack of Displays.
BunG Seminar XXXVI: Justin Campbell. Overview of restricted geometric Langlands.
Geometric Langlands Seminar: Vladimir Drinfeld: The stacks of n-truncated BT II
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: geometric sen theory II
Prismatic F-gauges and Fontaine-Laffaille Modules - Vadim Vologodsky
Mingjia Zhang: Intersection cohomology of Shimura varieties
Jacob Lurie: Rationalized Syntomic Cohomology
Hecke operators on the space of half-densities on the groupoid Bun_G(P^1)_{0,∞}
Mohammed Abouzaid - Prospects for Spectral Mirror Symmetry
Takuro Mochizuki - Some Applications of Non-Abelian Hodge Theory
Vanishing of Selmer Groups for Siegel Modular Forms - Sam Mundy
Motivic Cohomology of Singular Schemes: a dégustation - Elden Elmanto
Kathryn Hess (Lausanne): Hochschild shadows for motivic spaces and spectra
David Ben-Zvi | The Langlands program via arithmetic QFT
Marc Levine: Bott residue theorems in quadratic intersection theory,applications
A Slice of TQFT for Number Theorists 1
Oliver Röndigs (Osnabrück): A motivic version of the Adams conjecture
Tasos Moulinos (Paris): Betti realizations of noncommutative motives
Geometric Langlands Seminar: Vladimir Drinfeld. The Stacks of BT_n group III
Lucas Mann: A p-adic six functor formalism in rigid analytic geometry, I
Geometric Langlands Seminar:Dieudonne theory II: stacky approach.
Juan Esteban Rodriguez Camargo: Analytic prismatization over Z_p, part II
Motivic Cohomology of Mixed Characteristic Schemes - Tess Bouis
Sabrina Pauli: Counting curves over an arbitrary field using tropical geometry
Mikhail Kapranov - Perverse Sheaves and Resurgence
p-adic Hyperbolicity of Shimura Varieties - Xinwen Zhu
Algebraic K-Theory and P-Adic Arithmetic Geometry - Matthew Morrow
Some Failures of Vanishing Theorems - Burt Totaro
Vasudevan- Finiteness Questions for Étale Coverings with Bdd Wild Ramification
Katharina Hübner - Different Notions of Tameness Revisited
Kenji Fukaya - $A$ Infinity Functor in Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory
Eike Lau: Truncated Barsotti-Tate groups and truncated displays.
Maria Yakerson, Universality of algebraic K-theory
Jacob Tsimerman - BSD and Estimates for Class Groups of Number Fields(Nekovar)
Stacks in p-adic Hodge Theory of Rigid Spaces - Arthur-Cesar Le Bras
The v-Picard Group of Stein Spaces - Sally Gilles
Akhil Mathew, Introduction to dualisable categories and their K-theory, Part II
Brian Williams | Algebraic quantum field theory 2
Johan de Jong - Integrality of the Betti Moduli Space
Singularities in Mixed Characteristic via Alterations - Karl Schwede