Y 【《我的世界》极低概率事件:一个人能有多幸运】 ***CORRECTIONS***: 2:40: p-values mean getting AT LEAST as lucky as these success rates, not just as lucky. 13:00: The streams aren't exactly independent, so this is not an exact answer, but it works as an overestimate nonetheless because they are positively correlated; if you are not convinced, you can also consider the Bonferroni correction, which is very close to this. 13:50: I said 1.19 * 10^(-12), but the figure shown on screen is correct: 1.19*10^(-11). 14:51: 1000 is the UPPER BOUND, not an estimation 19:30: This is based on the faulty assumption that all speedrun attempts are streamed. 24:20: The astrophysicist's 1 in 6300 is somewhat close to the chance of 18 heads in a row, or 19 of heads or tails in a row, so maybe some coding mistakes, or that he is exceptionally lucky in obtaining so many runs of 20 heads in his simulation. Also, the early stopping identified by the astrophysicist is not even true - in Dream's speedruns, he just throws a lot of gold to a lot of piglins in parallel to see what is traded. Here is the original accusation against Dream. Paper: https://mcspeedrun.com/dream.pdf And here is Dream's reply. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yfLURFdDhMfrvI2cFMdYM8f_M_IRoAlM/view Mod team rebuttal: https://mcspeedrun.com/dream/rebuttal.pdf
【高斯过程 Gaussian Processes】
【贝叶斯优化 Bayesian Optimization】
合作开发了概率博弈论框架被大家熟知为E-value【置信区间、显著性检验和p-hacking的起源】——Glenn Shafer(格伦·谢弗)
【期望最大化算法(EM)背后的深层框架(3) Majorize-Minimization (MM) framework】——杨宇红
【高维稀疏主成分分析和差分隐私】——Jing Lei(卡内基梅隆大学)
【那些年基因组学里的统计错误】—李婧翌 Jingyi Jessica Li(加州大学)
【奇异值分解 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)】——吉尔伯特-斯特朗 (Gilbert Strang)
【支持向量机和核方法 SVM and Kernel】——张颢(清华大学)
统计最高奖得主【非参数方法的缺陷Pitfall of Nonparametric Methods 】—Larry Wasserman
普渡博士答辩【图聚类的优化框架 Optimization Frameworks for Graph Clustering】
【因果推断、重随机化 Rerandomization】——唐纳德·布鲁斯·鲁宾(Donald Bruce Rubin)
想了解顶级统计学家都在做什么,各大统计方向的板块关系吗? 这个视频为你揭晓.【统计学三角The statistics triangle】——CMU教授金家顺
【还在用泰勒展开吗 试一试帕德近似吧】
【CEO教你自助法】——格蕾塔·库图伦科 Greta Cutulenco
【贝叶斯网络 Bayesian Network】
【约束最小二乘(2)】——斯蒂芬·P·博伊德 Stephen P. Boyd(斯坦福大学)
【解释还是预测?To Explain or To Predict?】——嘉丽特·舒缪利(Galit Shmueli)
【证明 1+1=2】
【错误发现率平滑(FDR smoothing)方法】——詹姆斯·斯科特 James Scott
【数据科学-使用tidyverse实现数据可视化 Data Science-Data visualisation with the tidyverse】
【非参数回归】——瑞恩·J·提布希拉尼 Ryan Tibshirani(卡内基梅隆大学)
【统计里的大海捞针法】—蔡天文 Tony Cai(宾夕法尼亚大学)
【贝叶斯金字塔】——戴维·丹森 David Dunson(杜克大学)
【半监督学习(Semi-supervised Learning)】——常虹(中国科学院大学)
【NP-hard的极简定义】——斯蒂芬·P·博伊德 Stephen P. Boyd(斯坦福大学)
【解释统计功效 Explaining Power】
【递归最小二乘和奇异值分解 Recursive Least Square and SVD】——张颢(清华大学)