京东 11.11 红包
函数作图(1)正态函数和指数作差(Sketching Curves of Normal and Difference of the Exponentials)
相关变化率(漏斗类的题型)(Rate of Change of Funnel's Growth and Decay)
6个圆三角函数的导数的推导(Deductions of derivative of basic trigonometric functions)
极坐标下求夹面积(Areas between two curves under polar coodinates system)
狄利克雷函数的应用及其极限的例题(Examples of Applicating Dirichlet Function and Finding limit)
函数常用的八种变换(transformations of the function)
空间中的方位角计算(Calculating the Bearing in 3-dimension space)
极坐标下的水平切线和竖直切线(parallel tangents and perpendicular tangents to the initial line)
重要三角比的极限和韦达公式(Basic trigonometric limits and Viete's Formula)
同角三角比的六边形记忆法(Formulae in trigonometric ratios by using hexagon)
复平面内复数的轨迹的综合应用(1)(Application of the locus of the complex number(1))
复角公式/和差展开式的例题举例(Examples of the compound angle formulae)
等比数列的杂项(some skills in treating with geometric sequences and series)
棣莫弗定理的另类用法(other applications of de Moivre's Theorem)
6个基本三角函数的图像总结(Summaries of properties of 6 Baisc Trigonometric Functions' Graph)
利用微分计算切线的综合题(Applications of Tangent Lines of Curves by using Differentiations)
二阶微分方程的函数分析举例(Analysis a function by solve second order differential equation)
微积分在运动学中的应用(1)(位移函数)(Application in Kinematics by Calculus with Displacement)
二项分布的假设检验以及拒绝域计算(hypothesis of binomial distribution and its critical regions)
洛必达法则的进阶应用举例(Examples of the Further Applications of l'Hospital's Rule)
利用二项展开式的系数相等证明等式(Prove Identities by using Equating Coefficients of Binomial)
圆锥曲线(1)直角双曲线的综合题(Applications of Rectangular Hyperbolar in Conic Curves)
利用无穷递缩等比数列改写循环小数为分数(Convert repeat decimals into fractions by Inf-Convergent-GS)
数学归纳法证明不等式(Prove inequalities by mathematical induction)
排列组合之分组问题(permutation and combination by using separating into groups)
极坐标下的面积与切线的综合题(Find the areas and tangents under the Polar Coordinate System)
三角换元法解二阶微分方程举例(Solve second order differential equation by trig. substituting)
洛必达法则的证明(Prove l'Hospital's Rule)
无穷项级数的求和与求极限问题(Examples of Finding the Sum and Limit of Infinite Series)
含有正态分布估算的假设检验(Hypothesis with approximation by Normal Distribution)
双变量函数的相关变化率问题(the rate of change of functions with bivariants)
较复杂的分离变量解微分方程(solve complicated differential equations with separate integrals)
利用棣莫弗定理将次方角表示成多倍角(Further Application of de Moivre's Theorem)
利用双曲三角换元求解积分举例(substition by hyperbolic trig to treat with the integrals)
弧度制运算综合题(不含正余弦定理)(1)(radians without sine and cosin rule)
利用泰勒展开式估算微分方程的解(Find solution in a series form by using Taylor series method)
【[AP/ALEVEL/IB】对数公式与计算性质的汇总(summary of logarithms)
复平面内复数的轨迹的综合应用(3)不动点(Application of the locus of the complex number(2) invariant
微积分在运动学中的应用(3)(加速度函数)(Application in Kinematics by Calculus with Acceleration)